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Halfway to 100 :>

The sky was dark and the air was thick with sadness. A crowd stood on each side of a path, as a women's pregnant body is slowly moved. The woman looked beautiful, and if she wasn't so pale she would look alive. She had white flowers and purple flowers, that looked to be Wisteria, in her hair and around her body. Held in her hands was a crown, it was gold and silver, and on some part sat beautiful f/c crystals.

In the crowd stood a cloaked Togruta woman, who had tears streaming down her blurred face. It looked like she was hardly keeping it together, the only thing she could feel was anger and grief. Anger at what the one person she trusted more than anything, had done to her friend, she found it so hard to believe he had caused this. All of this.

Grief at the loss of her master, and the loss of her friend. She had spent so much time with, shared so many laughs with. So many memories with the both of them.

A man on the other side noticed the woman, and she could tell. The Togruta woman looked at the body, of the pregnant woman, of her bestfriend one final time before disappearing into the crowd.


The Togruta woman walked down a long hall, along the outside of the palace. Memories washing over, as she let her tears continue to fall freely.

"You shouldn't have come here." A man says from behind her, caused the Togruta to pause "There was nothing you could've done, for either of them. Why risk it?"

The women turned and pulled down her hood "She was my friend." She says, tears still falling "I couldn't believe it....that she was gone. When ____ told me...."

The man stares at her, guilty. He could see how much pain she was in, and how much this was all effecting her. Her bestfriend dead, and her master and brother most likely dead.

The man sighs sadly "I know how you feel." He whispered, grieving the loss of his young cousin.

"Her baby......did it live?" The woman asks "Please.....I have to know." She begs.

The man nods "She had twins." He says only smiling a little.

The woman smiles a little "Twins?" She murmurs.

"Leia and Luke." The man says "But they had to be separated. We took in Leia, while Master ______ took the boy to Tatooine."

The woman nods "They'll be safe....right?" She asks "Will they ever meet each other?"

The man sighs "I don't know. But me and my wife will make sure this girl is safe, no matter what." He says, just before the sound of comms could be heard echoing through the hall.

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, she could feel a warmth next to her. An arm was wrapped tightly around her, holding her close. Y/n smiled and rolled over to lool at Anakin, who was sleeping peacefully. It didn't even look like he was having a nightmare. After the events of last night, Y/n felt like she was glowing.(no she is not pregnant)

Managing to pull herself from Anakin's hold, she climbs out of bed. Her legs felt sore and she could feel them wobbling a little, while walking to her dresser. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants, and a loose t-shirt. It was only Y/n and Anakin, so she didn't feel like she have to wear anything fancy.

Taking one last look at Anakin, who was now hugging a pillow, she smiled and left the room. When Y/n got to the livingroom room, a knock sounded on the door.

"Shit." Y/n mumbled walking over to the door, attempting to make her disheveled hair presentable. When Y/n opend the door, she was supposed to see Bail Organa "Senator Organa, what a....suprise."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now