one-hundred and ten

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When Y/n opened she felt a dull pain, and hissed in pain. This instantly caught Anakin's attention "Sweets?" He asks, sitting up in the chair he now had.

Y/n looks over blinking her eyes a few times "Ani?" She asks, pushing herself into a sitting position.

Anakin smiles with a laugh "Hi sweetheart." He whispered, scooting closer to the bed.

For a moment Y/n wasn't sure what had happened, and then it hit her. Instantly Y/n looks around the room, searching for her children "Where-where are they?" She stuttered "Where's Luke and Leia?" She panicked.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Anakin says gently "Noah and Daphne are cleaning them up."

Y/n let out a breath of relief, and instantly relaxed "How long was I out for?" She asks.

"Thirty minutes, maybe more." Anakin says quietly "I-i thought-"

Before Anakin can fully finish his sentence, the door opens and Noah and Daphne walk in. Noah was holding Luke, who was wrapped up in a green blanket. Daphne had Leia, who was wrapped in a pink blanket.

"Oh good you're awake." Daphne said walking over to the other side of the bed, gently handing Leia to Y/n.

"How are you feelin' little sis?" Noah asks softly, while gently bouncing her son.

Y/n smiles down at her baby, adjusting her hold on her. Leia was laid in one arm, so that she could hold Luke in the other. Y/n looks up "Sore but happy." She says.

Noah smiles "You had us worried when you passed out." He says, as Daphne then took Luke from him, and placed him in Y/n's other arm.

Y/n looks down at her children, a big smile on her face. She couldn't believe it, Y/n never expected her life to take such a turn. It was a good turn, and she didn't regret a thing. Y/n couldn't look away from them, and neither could Anakin.

Daphne smiles at the little family "We'll leave you guys be." She says, grabbing Noah and tugging him out of the room. Despite his complaining.

Anakin scoots as close as he can get, and looks at Y/n with a fond smile. It's silent as the two of them stare at their children, Y/n looks at Anakin "See Ani, sometimes are just dreams." She whispered.

"Yeah." Anakin whispered "Can I....can I hold one of them?" He asks.

Y/n smiles and holds Leia out "You don't need to ask Ani." She says teasingly.

Anakin laughs a little and gently takes his daughter into his arms, when he looked down at her face she was peacefully sleeping. Anakin could already see so much of Y/n in her.

"I have good news." Anakin says looking up.

Y/n looks away from Luke "And what news is that?" She asks.

"The war. It's over. Ahsoka caught Maul, Obi-wan killed General Grievous, and the Chancellor has been arrested." Anakin said rather proudly "And I'm free from the jedi order."

Tears pooled in Y/n's eyes, she had a big smile on her face. Her excitement showing "Really?" She asked.

Anakin nodded reaching over and taking Y/n's hand in his "We can go to Alderaan, whenever you want." He whispered "We can go home."


Two days later Y/n was still on bed rest, Anakin wouldn't let her leave or do too much. Master Yoda had returned from Kashyyyk, and Obi-wan had returned form Utapau. Anakin had gone to the jedi temple, saying he needed to talk with them. Noah had stayed back to take care of Y/n, this would be his last day on Coruscant. He would be heading back to Alderaan tomorrow morning, he had to finish a bit of work and help Padmè pack up.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now