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Y/n gently knocked on the office door, that uneasy feeling even stronger than before. It made her want to puke. Earlier Y/n had completely forgotten about the lunch, until the Chancellor had personally contacted her and reminded her.

"Come in!"

Y/n opened the door and stepped inside "Sorry I'm so late, sir." She says, closing the door behind her.

The Chancellor looks up with a smile "Nonsense, the food just arrived!" He said cheerfully, grabbing two bags from the ground and setting them on the desk "Come, come, sit."

Y/n gives a fake smile and walks over, sitting in the chair in front of his desk "You didn't have to buy me something, sir." She says.

The Chancellor waves his hand "Of course I had to." He says pulling out a box of food, setting it in front of Y/n "I hope you like (favorite food)! I wasn't sure what to get you." He says.

'How did he know?' Y/n thought in confusion, 'Maybe it's just a coincidence.' She thought quickly brushing it off "It's actually my favorite." She says with nervous laughter.

Once again the man in front of her smile creepily, as he set down some more food items and two drinks "Wonderful!"

Y/n opened up her box of food, and slowly began eating despite how hungry she was "So, was there a specific reason you invited me here Chancellor?" She asks.

"Please call me Sheev, theres no need for formalities." The Chancellor says waving his hand dismissively, opening up his own box of food. It wasn't the same as Y/n's his was a completely different food order, another coincidence right?

"Right, of course my apologies." Y/n says shifting in her chair, she definitely was not calling him by his first name.

"And yes, there was a reason young Y/n." The Chancellor says "I've simply wanted to get to you more, especially after everything Alderaan has done for the republic."

Y/n smiles taking a sip of her (favorite drink), how he knew what it was scared Y/n a little "I'm just doing what I can to help thoes in need."

"How honorable of you." Palpatine says eating some of his own food "How is it being a jedi?" He asks.

"Technically I'm not a jedi, I'm just training like one." Y/n says shrugging, assuming the council or someone else had told him.

Palpatine nods understandingly "Do you think you'll ever be a jedi?"

Y/n shakes her head "It's impossible for me to be one, but Master Yoda wants me to know how to control everything." She explains.

"Do you ever want to be one?"

"I'm queen of Alderaan, I can't be a jedi. And some members of the council didn't even want me training." Y/n explains before taking another bite of food.

"You didn't answer my question." Palpatine points out eating more of his own food "Do you ever want to be a jedi?"

Y/n sits in thought for a moment and she slowly shakes her head "No." She answered.

Palpatine tilts his head curiously as he grabs his drink "Why is that?" He asks, taking a drink of whatever he had.

"The jedi forbid attachments, I don't think I'd be able to do that." Y/n says frowning "I have Noah, Padmè, Ahsoka even, and-"

"Skywalker?" Palpatine asks making Y/n nod, and the Chancellor grinned "How is he?" He asks "I hear you two are close."

Y/n stares at him confusion, wondering who would tell him that. To most it was obvious the two were close, but the Chancellor knowing that when he hardly saw either of them was a bit weird. Quickly Y/n shook the feeling away, and drank some of her drink before replying.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now