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"I'm gonna miss you." Y/n said hugging Ahsoka tightly, wishing she didn't have to leave.

"Well, I'm sure I'll see you again soon." Ahsoka said stepping back with a smile.

Y/n shrugged "I hope so." She said "Sometimes being cooped up here really sucks." She mumbled.

Ahsoka laughed "It's not all that bad." She said "The view makes up for it all."

"It's only not bad, because you and Ani are here." Y/n says while nodding.

"Hey, what about me!" Noah complained from the entrance of the ship.

Y/n rolled her eyes "You're boring." She said flipping him off, a smile creeping up on her lips.

Noah shook his head "Whatever, you love me." He says, "And can you hurry, I wanna go already." He adds before heading back into the ship.

Y/n rolled her eyes once again, and looked back at Ahsoka "I wish you luck with his grumpy ass." She joked.

"Well, I wish you luck with Anakin." Ahsoka said in a teasing manner, while winking.

Y/n gave the girl a playful glare "Really?" She asked, heat creeping up to her face.

"One day you two will get together, and you'll get married and have beautiful babies!" Ahsoka exclaimed brightly.

Y/n's stomach did flips at the thought, and her face went red "'Soka!" She gasped.

"What, I'm just sayin'!" Ahsoka said shrugging with a smile "I feel it, it's gonna happen."

"You shouldn't be rooting for us." Y/n pointed out crossing her arms "You're both jedi, you have a code."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes "Well, lucky for you Anakin doesn't care for the code." She said "And I hang around him, a lot. So I don't care for the code, besides I always thought the attachment thing was a little......eugh."

Y/n smiled "Well, I'm glad you support my crush on your Master. But it's never gonna happen 'Soka." She said shaking her head.

"Thats what you think." Ahsoka said mischievously, before she gave Y/n one last hug "I'll see you soon, okay?" She said.

"Be safe." Y/n said watching as Ahsoka boarded the ship "May the force be with you." She whispered.


"So, now what?" Y/n asked looking at Anakin, just seconds ago Anakin had taken a sample of her blood.

The two of them were in her office, Anakin was looking at something. Y/n wasn't exactly sure what he had, but he was putting her blood on it.

Anakin sighed "Now, I'm gonna test your blood. And it should tell us how many midichlorian you should have." He explains.

"How many midi whatever the fuck do you have?" Y/n asked leaning back in her seat.

Anakin looked over at her "Um, 27000?" He said unsure "Don't remember." He mumbled.

Y/n's eyes went wide "What?!" She gasped at the high number "Thats......thats pretty cool."

"Yeah, I have more than any jedi." Anakin said frowning "I'm 'The Chosen One'." He said sounding annoyed at the title.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked frowning.

Anakin sighed and looked away "I'm supposed to bring balance to the force, destroy the sith." He explained.

"Well isn't destroying the sith a good thing?" Y/n asked.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now