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The next day, Y/n and Anakin had to head back to Coruscant. The couple stood outside the ship, saying their goodbyes. Shmi was hugging the two tightly "Oh please visit again when you can, both of you." She says, stepping away from the two.

Anakin smiles "We will mom, I promise." He says.

Cliegg chuckles "Hopefully there won't be any raider problems this time." He says, "I never got to say thank you for saving Shmi." He says.

Y/n smiles "It was no problem at all." She says "I kicked thoes raiders asses." She adds with a grin.

Y/n's stab wound still ached, and stung. But she was constantly changing the bandage, and putting bacta spray on it. Which was definitely helping it heal faster, but not fast enough for Y/n's liking.

"Please make sure you keep putting bacta spray on that, but not too much." Beru says with a smile "And try not to tear thoes stitches."

"Thank you for stitching me up, and don't worry I'll be careful." Y/n says.

Anakin wraps an arm around her waist gently "I'll make sure it doesn't get infected, and she doesn't rip anything."

Owen smiles "You take care. And Anakin thank you for helping me with that speeder."

"Of course, glad I could help."

Shmi lets out a sigh "Oh I'm going to miss you both, please be safe." She says.

Y/n grins "We'll try to be safe." She says jokingly "No promises though."

Anakin rolls his eyes while shaking his head "Don't worry mom, we'll be okay."


"Why can't hyperspace look more pretty?" Y/n asks staring out into the blue hue of hyperspace.

Anakin looks over at her "I dunno." He answers with a nonchalant shrug "I don't think it's supposed to be pretty."

"Well it should be." Y/n sighs looking around the blue color, hoping to see something, anything, other than the boring blue color.

Anakin just smiles and shakes his head in amusement "You're something else."

"Yeah, something amazing." Y/n joked with a scoff, looking out the windows when suddenly something catches her eye.

It was a large shadow. Y/n frowned and stood leaning to look out the window closer, and Anakin gave her a weird look "Sweets?" He asks "You okay?"

"Do you see a shadow, or something?" Y/n asks in confusion "Or am I seeing things?"

"You're probably seeing things." R2 whistled in a sassy tone.

Y/n looks at the droid "You're sometimes a little shit." She says with a grin. R2 let out an angry whistle, and headbutted Y/n's knee "Hey!"

"Normally I'd agree with you R2." Anakin says, which caused Y/n to shove him "But I don't think she's seeing things."

Y/n glares at the droid "Ha!" She says, looking back out the window "It looks like some sort of....big shadow."

"What the blazes is it." Anakin mumbled leaning closer to the window.

"It looks like....oh my force, I think it's purrgil!" Y/n gasps in awe.

Anakin looks at Y/n "Hyperspace whales?" He asks.

Y/n nods in excitement "They're the whole reason hyperspace for us exists." She says.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now