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Empty. Thats how Y/n's apartment felt for two months, she missed her jedi more than anything. She hadn't had any contact with him, especially since he forgot his communicator. Neither of them expected Anakin to be thrown right into an off world mission as soon as they got back, and he had no reason to take it to Naboo.

For two months Y/n trained with master Yoda, and sometimes even Cal who she rarely saw as well. At some point Obi-wan had left Coruscant, to deal with some separatists on Trandosha. From what she knew Anakin was no longer in the mid rim, he had somehow made it to the outer rim.

Y/n wasn't entirely alone though, she talked with Padmè and Noah daily. Sometimes it was through a hologram, and sometimes it was in person. Padmè was now three months along in her pregnancy, and Noah was doing everything he could to make her comfortable. The couple also decided that their little family, was going to permanently live at the lake house. But would stay at the palace until Y/n came home.

Currently the young queen was sitting on her couch, watching tv on the holo net a bored look on her face. A rapid and panicked knock hit her door, causing Y/n to get to her feet and rush to the door.

"Rex?" Y/n ask in suprise, but also worry.

The clone had cuts along his face, mixed with black soot. Most likely from an explosion. He had a tired look on hos face, it was obvious he hadn't slept in days. Y/n didn't understand why he was there at first, and then it hit her.


Quickly she pushed past the clone, slamming the door behind her "Is he alive?" She asks.

Rex begins walking at Y/n's side, he was limping and struggling to keep up "Yes, but he's in critical condition. Same with...same with Commander Tano."

Y/n stops and looks at him, her stomach sinking completely "Ahsoka's hurt?" She whispered.

The clone nodded "There was an explosion....she got caught in it." He says.

"What happened to Anakin?" Y/n asks walking once more, at a quick speed "Same thing I expect?"

Rex coughs a little as the two enter the elevator, when Y/n looks over she notices the nervous look. He now looked more nervous than before. Y/n takes a deep breath and presses a button, closing the elevator doors.

"What happened?" Y/n asked in a low voice.



Y/n practically barged into the medical wing, Rex limping behind her. She walked right over to the bed Anakin was in, Ahsoka just across from him on the other side of the room. Medical droids were with both jedi, doing whatever they could to help. Obi-wan, much to Y/n's suprise, was also there getting patched up.

The older jedi looked up with a tired gaze, his eyes widening a little when he saw her "Y/n."

Rex limped away and sat on a different bed across the room, near Ahsoka. The clone laid down with a pained sigh, and closed his eyes.

"What did Dooku do to him?" Y/n asks looking down at Anakin, her heart racing.

Her lover looked terrible, but he still looked so handsome. His face had several small cuts, and any dirt or soot that was there was gone. Almost like it hadn't been there at all. Y/n couldn't seem to figure out what Dooku had done. She looks at his torso expecting to see some sort of scorching from a lightsaber, but nothing.

Y/n was doing her best to keep her cool, she wanted Dooku dead for so many reasons. She wanted to kill him herself. Not only had this fallen jedi murdered, and tortured her parents in the worst way possible. But now he had caused even more harm to her lover.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now