one-hundred and one

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Being back on Coruscant was a good thing, thats what Y/n wanted to think. She still felt guilty for keeping Noah there, stopping him from doing things for his family. But on Coruscant Y/n was safer, only a little safer.

As soon as she got back on Coruscant, she set up a meeting with Daphne. The doctor Noah had, specifically for her. Daphne sent her the address, and Y/n was there. While Y/n got her check up, R2 went to go find Anakin. Daphne was staying in a relatively nice apartment, one room had been turned into a small medical room. Specifically for Y/n.

"I'm proud to say both you, and your babies are extremely healthy." Daphne says brightly, as moves the ultrasound stick around Y/n's stomach.

Y/n was staring at the machine screen, as she lets out a breath of relief "Thank the gods." She mumbled.

As Daphne moved the stick around, Y/n could see what looked to be two heads. One of the twins shifted, making Y/n gasp a little at the feeling. It was the first time she haf felt either of them move.

"Do you want to know the gender of the babies?" Daphne asks looking back to Y/n, with a sweet smile.

As tempting as it was, Y/n shakes her head "No, not yet." She says "I-i wanna see what Anakin wants to do."

Daphne nods "That's understandable." She says as she wipes away the cold gel on Y/n's stomach.

Y/n lets out a breath of relief, ever since the attack she had been nothing but paranoid. Even before that she felt worried, and paranoid. But now she had so many questions "I haven't felt them move, is that normal?"

Daphne nods with a hum, as she continues to clean up "It's completely normal. Especially since you've got two babies, you should feel them moving on and off." She explained "They definitely should start moving more any day, sometimes it takes longer for them to get moving in there." She adds.

"Thank the Maker." Y/n mumbles rubbing her stomach, which was only getting bigger by the months.

"Now that you are much further along in your pregnancy, I do suggest staying away from the public eye." Daphne says with worry, while looking back at Y/n "That party you went to was risky enough."

Y/n lets out a sigh and nods "I know." She says, still rubbing her stomach "I'll make sure to be careful."

Daphne smiles "Good. Now, please feel free to come back any time you want." She says, "If you think somethings wrong, or even if you're just worried. I'll be here."

"Thank you Daphne, I truly appreciate this." Y/n says with a smile "Especially with the risk."

Nonchalantly Daphne waves her hand dismissively "Oh don't worry about the risk, I'm just happy to be here for you." She says. Y/n was also happy that she was here.


Not long after that, Y/n returned to her apartment. The door was still locked, meaning that Anakin hadn't been home. At all. Usually whenever he left, he forgot to lock the door. Y/n let out a heavy sigh, she closed the door and instantly went to the kitchen.

"Food. Food. Food." Y/n mumbles searching through the kitchen, hoping to found something appetizing.

She searched the fridge, that desperately needed to be restocked, and found nothing. Y/n groaned a little before searching the cupboards, eventually finding a bag of dried fruit.

"Huh, not bad." Y/n mumbles taking the bag, and heading to the livingroom. She plopped herself down on the couch, and turned on the tv.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now