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When Y/n walked through the doors of the palace, she smiled wildly. She was home, she was safe. Anakin was at her side, normally he'd be holding bags or something but this time he wasn't. As soon as the large doors slammed closed, footsteps came hurrying in their direction.

"Y/n!" Two voices shouted simultaneously.

Y/n looked and watched as Padmè and Ahsoka ran in her direction, with Noah walking behind him. The two crashed into Y/n, the both of then squeezing and hugging her as tight as they could. Smiling Y/n hugged them back smiling, glad she was with her friends again.

"Hey, hey, be gentle with her." Anakin scolded lightly, worried of the woman he cared so deeply for would get hurt in any way.

"Oh Y/n, we were so worried." Padmè said taking a step back.

"Anakin wouldn't let us come with." Ahsoka said rolling her eyes as she stepped back.

Anakin rolled his eyes "If you guys came in, the ship would've been packed." He said.

"We would've figured it out."

"How are you feeling?"

Y/n smiled slightly "Tired." She answered "How has everything been, the Republic is still getting their supplies right."

Noah chuckled "Y/n, you weren't gone for long." He joked, "Besides me and Padmè did all your work, for the next few weeks.

Y/n looked to her brother in shock "What?" She asked in disbelief.

"You need a break Y/n, especially after what just happened." Padmè said sweetly.

Ahsoka nodded in agreement "I totally agree with that." She said.

Anakin placed his hand on the small of Y/n's back, and gently rubbed it "You do need a break."

Y/n sighed "I can't take a break, I have to run an entire planet." She said, her stomach doing flips at the small touch.

"I can do it." Noah said shrugging "Besides, you haven't gotten much work lately.

Ahsoka groaned "Enough about work, Y/n, lets go for a walk in the gardens." The girl said, grabbing her friends hand and dragging her away.

Anakin watched the two go, a smile on his face. Naturally he went to follow after them, but Padmè grabbed his hand "How is she?"

"She seems okay." Anakin said looking over at her "But...I can't be a hundred percent sure."

Noah sighed "Well, she's doing better than when her parents died." He said, "When her parents died, and after she was crowned queen......we hardly saw her for a week. She was always in her room, or in her parent's old room." He explained.

Padmè nodded "I remember that." She said in a sad voice, "I wish I could have been around more."

"She'll pull through, she always does." Noah said confidently "I believe in her."

Anakin nodded "She's strong." He said "I should probably check on her."

"Actually, Anakin, can we talk?" Noah asked with a small smile.

Anakin nodded "Yeah of course." He said, if Ahsoka hadn't gone off with Y/n he would've told him no.


"Force, these flowers are gorgeous." Ahsoka gushed looking at a group of royal lilies.

Y/n smiled "I get flower seeds from any planet I can." She said gently touching one of the flowers gently.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now