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"What the fuck do you mean there was a droid attack on the village of Azalea?" Y/n asks in a low tone, staring at her brother in disbelief.

As soon as Y/n and Anakin had landed, Y/n rushed inside to find Noah. When when she did he was dirty, bruised, and cut. The sight startled Y/n, she hadn't seen him looking that rough since Dooku kidnapped her. Noah then explained the attack on one of the oldest villages of Alderaan, named after the beautiful pink Azalea flowers that bloomed around the planet.

Noah adjusted the Alderaan armor he had on "I meant exactly what I said Y/n." He says tiredly "Love the suit by the way."

Y/n ran her hands down her face "Noah." She mumbled.

"Sorry. Jusy trying to....lighten the mood." Noah says in a mumbled, while dragging a hand down his dirty face.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Y/n asks while crossing her arms, her stomach twisting with nerves.

"Have the droids all been destroyed?" Anakin asks right after, his hand resting on Y/n's lower back. Hoping his touch would help her relax, even if it was just a little.

Noah lets out a sigh "Okay, okay, one question at a time please." He begs, holding his hands up.

"Answer Anakin's. That's my biggest priority." Y/n says trying to refrain herself from yelling at her brother, knowing that this wasn't his fault.

"The droids have not been destroyed yet." Noah says sighing "There was too many, and we lost a lot of soldiers." He says, a bitter look on his face.

Anakin sighs crossing his arms "I can send a transmission to Master Yoda, and have my battalion sent here for aid." He says.

Y/n looks over at her boyfriend gratefully "That would be amazing." She breathed.

Noah nods and sends Anakin a tight smile "Thank you Anakin." He says.

Anakin looks at Y/n "Try being a little calmer." He said gently, "You're gonna over stress yourself, again." He says.

Y/n lets out a huff "I can't be calm, not when I know my planet is under attack."

"I know, just try not to stress yourself too much." Anakin says gently, before pressing a kiss to Y/n's cheek and quickly walking away.

Y/n lets out a breath "What about the civilians?" She asks, her cheeks warming up a little at the action. Anakin always seemed to make her stomach do flips.

".....Some escaped, a lot died, but most have been captured." Noah says wincing as he spoke, rolling his shoulders back.

"Fuck!" Y/n shouts throwing her hands up, only to let them fall and hit her legs "We've gotta get thoes people back."

Noah sighs "I'm sorry." He mumbles apologetically, a guilty look on his face.

"It's not your fault Noah." Y/n quickly says looking to her brother "You did all you could. And now, we're gonna do everything to save our people."

Noah grins a little "It's good to have you back. To see you in person and everything." He says, the mood a little lighter than before.

Y/n smiles a little "It's good to be back."


Y/n adjusted the uncomfortable metal armor she had just put on, getting used to the feeling. Never did she thing she'd have to wear her great, great, grandmother's armor. It had always been something her father showed her, he had spoke of her often. Y/n's father used to constantly tell her some of the battles her family had been in, some winning and some losing.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now