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Y/n and Padmè walked into the large ball room, the two of them looking around. The place was decently packed with other senators, and other important people. Y/n could see several tables that had snacks along with drinks, both alcoholic and not.

"Do you see the guys?" Y/n asked searching the crowd.

Padmè hummed "I see Noah." She said pointing in his direction. "But no Anakin."

Y/n followed where she was pointing, and sure enough she saw her brother. He was standing near one of the entrances, that lead outside to the back. He had on his Alderaan armor, which consisted of silver and gold colors.

"I can't believe he wore the armor." Y/n said in disbelief "He looks like a fuckin' fool."

Padmè rolled her eyes "I think he looks quite handsome." She said.

Y/n fake gagged "Ew." She said cringing "Thats my brother basically."

"Oh hush, let me admire him." Padmè said waving her hand aimlessly at Y/n.

"Go join him." Y/n said to her friend with a nod, "I'll go get a drink, and look for Anakin." She added.

"Well you won't have to look far, sweetheart."

Y/n spun around, and sure enough Anakin was behind her. He had on his usual jedi attire, she couldn't see his lightsaber but she knew it was there. He always had it.

Padmè grinned "I'll leave you two be." She said teasingly, before walking off towards Noah.

Y/n watched her friend go 'This bitch.' She thought in disbelief.

Anakin couldn't help himself, and let his eyes wander Y/n's body. He could feel his heart rate pick up, and smiled "You look....gorgeous."

Y/n blushed and smiled shyly "Well, aren't you just a flirt Mr Jedi." She teased.

The jedi just chuckled "Would you like to get some drinks first?" Anakin asked with a small grin.

"Maker, yes please." Y/n said as began walking down the steps, and making her way towards the drink table.

"Not ready to socialize yet?" Anakin asked teasingly, walking right beside her.

Y/n scoffed "I need to at least be buzzed before I talk with anyone." She said in a whisper, "Lets see how many men ask for my hand in marriage." She grumbled.

Anakin looked over at her, a jealous feeling bubbling up inside him "What?" He asked.

"It's just men being men." Y/n said waving her hand, and rolling her eyes "Begging basically to Marry me, all because of who I am."

"Have you ever considered marrying any of them?" Anakin asked curiously, biting the inside of his cheek.

Y/n scoffed "Maker, no." She said grabbing a glass of wine "They're all terrible, and none of them would truly care for me." She mumbled.

Anakin let out a sigh of relief "Thats understandable." He said nodding in agreement.

"Would you like a drink?" Y/n asked looking at him, quickly finishing her first glass.

"No, I'm all good." Anakin said shaking his head "I'd rather stay sober, just in case."

Y/n hummed and turned to look at the crowd, seeing many familiar faces "Well, maybe we can havw a drink when we return to the apartment." She said grabbing another glass.

Anakin did the same, keeping close to her side "I will definitely take you up on that offer." He said.

"Ah, queen Y/n!" An older voice spoke "And young Skywalker." He added.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now