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"I can't believe how quickly the repairs are going." Y/n says happily, as her and Noah walk through the almost completely repaired village.

Noah hums with a smile "I can't wait to see Padmè." He says.

Y/n looks over at her brother with a grin "You excited to be a married man?" She asks.

Noah's pale face goes pink, and he scratches the back of his neck "Obviously." He mumbles "I'm so scared she's gonna change her mind."

"What?" Y/n asks in disbelief, looking over at her brother "Are you stupid?"

"I mean...maybe a little?" Noah says shrugging.

Y/n rolls her eyes "More than a little." She grumbled, "Noah, that woman has been in love with you for so long. She's not gonna change her mind."

Noah looks over at her "Are you sure?"

"Positive. If she's seen the way you look in the morning, and she's still her. It's for life." Y/n jokes with a laugh.

Noah scoffs and shoves Y/n jokingly "Fuck you too." He says with a laugh.

Y/n snorts with laughter "Oh and don't get me started on the bleach for your hair."

"Oh my maker." Noah groans "It's been years, when will you let gooo?" He whines childishly..

"Never!" Y/n shouts triumphantly.

Noah shakes his head with a smile "How long are you staying for?" He asks, the two of them now heading in the direction of their transport back to the palace.

"I'll be leaving tonight." Y/n answers with a sigh.

"How much longer will your jedi training go on for?" Noah asks with a frown "It's been months."

Y/n lets out a breath "Noah. It takes years for jedi to master their abilities." She says, looking over at hrt brother with a frown "I'm surprised with how much progress I've made these months."

"You can't do this for years. You're queen of Alderaan Y/n." Noah says frowning.

"I know I'm queen. But if I continue this, I can help our planet more." Y/n says sternly "Jut trust me, okay?"

Noah nods with a sigh "Okay....I trust you."

"As you should."


Three days later Y/n was back at Coruscant, she was walking down a hall heading for one of the interrogation rooms, a folder in her hand. In the interrogation room would be the twi'lek who tried to kill her was, thanks to the help of Master Yoda. As soon as Y/n had got back, she went straight to work on looking into Daniel Salazar. Something she should've done long ago.

Just as Noah had said Daniel was originally from Naboo, before he went to work in one of the factories. He was married and had a daughter, a young twi'lek matching the description of the twi that tried to kill Y/n.

"Your Majesty, are you sure about this?" Rex asked, he was walking next to Y/n.

"Positive." Y/n says calmly "You didn't tell Anakin, did you?" She asks.

Rex shakes his head "No ma'am." He says "Are you sure it's wise to keep him in the dark?"

"He would just try and stop me." Y/n says calmly, as the two of them walked into a small room. Two other clones stood inside.

Y/n looked through the glass, to the other connecting room. Their sat Daniel Salazar's daughter, Dani. Now in light Y/n could get a better look at her, she was a green twi with blue eyes. There was a scar along her left cheek, and her hands were folded on the table in front of her.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now