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The next day Y/n was back to training, particularly some physical stuff. From exercising and running, to now training with the droids. Y/n let out a groan, her body aching for so many reasons. Aching from the training, and aching from the intense sex her and Anakin had the other night, and yesterday morning before. That mans stamina seemed to never end, Y/n swore she was going to break in half because of him.

Not that she was complaining, Anakin always knew how to make her feel nothing but good.

The bath from the night before helped a little, but only to an extent. Anakin even insisted on giving her a massage, which helped her a lot. But once again Y/n and Anakin found themselves once agaim tangled in sheets together, but less rough and more sweet than anything.

"Try again." Yoda said as the training droid once again defeated Y/n, disarming her, both sabers going across the room.

Y/n had been doing this for hours at this point, only five or six dead training droids around her. It was suprising she had managed to take them out, considering they were set on the hardest difficulty. Particularly the difficulty that Anakin would use to train with Ahsoka, or just for the hell of it.

"Fucking kill me." Y/n grumbled, using the force to call her sabers just as the droid advanced in her direction.

Yoda frowns his ears moving back "Language." He says scoldingly, while shaking his head.

"Did you really have to put this thing on the hardest difficulty?" Y/n asked as she blocked an attack from the front, and then the back. Ignoring the scolding she was getting, from her inappropriate language.

Yoda hummed "Ready for this, you are." He says "Trying hard enough, you are not."

Y/n lets out a huff while force pushing the droid back, and then throwing her lightsaber into it's chest "Hows that for trying hard enough?" She asks with a grin.

"Impressive." Yoda says with a nod "Again."

"What?" Y/n asks in disbelief as another training droid walks out, instantly heading for Y/n.

Yoda smiles "In time, easily defeat them you will." He hums, watching as Y/n dueled with the droid.

Y/n blocks the droid as it tried to hit her in the head with its double sided lightsaber, then turning it to try and hit her in the side. And it did. The glowing, hot, blue blade knicked her side. Burning the fabric of her training outfit, and even burning her.

Wincing in pain Y/n kicked the droid back, and kicked it in the gut. The machine stumbled backwards, as Y/n cut one of its arms of with her right yellow saber. Once the droid had regained its balance, it stomped for Y/n attacking her aggressively.

Y/n stepped back while blocking the hits it delivered, shocked at how aggressive it had gotten. The droid spun the saber in an odd way, making Y/n's left lightsaber fly from her hand. This left her with only one saber. The droid once again spun his lightsaber in an odd way, Y/n tried her bed to block it.

The droid hit Y/n in the arm, once again burning through her clothing and hitting her skin. Letting out a hiss of pain, before she stuck her hand out. She lifted the droid in the air a little, and closed her hand slowly into a fist. Crushing the droid.

"Mmm impressions, yes." Yoda says walking over to her, his cane clicking on the hard floor "Okay, are you?" He asks.

Y/n nods with a small smile "Yeah, just a little burn. Nothing some bacta gel can't help with." She says, using her free hand to summon her saber back into her hand.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now