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When Y/n finally opend her eyes, panic struck through her. She quickly scrambled into a sitting position, and looked around in fear. She was in some sort of cell, it was small and cramped. What stood out to Y/n the most, was the feeling of the cold air all around her. She wasn't on Alderaan anymore.

She had on a pair of handcuffs, and her head was throbbing. Y/n reached up, rubbing her head when something caught her eye. It was her bracelet, the one Noah had given her after the first attack. She had forgotten it even existed, Y/n always had it on just like Noah had asked.


"Noah, it's not even my birthday, why are you giving me a present?" Y/n asked raising a brow.

Noah rolled his eyes "Do I need a reason to give my sister a gift?" He asked, "It's not even really a's...well just open it." He said holding out a small pink box.

Y/n raised a brow, and grabbed the box "Will it kill me?" She joked.

"Y/n, don't be a pain in my ass." Noah said crossing his arms "And no jokes like that, it could actually happen. Especially with what happened the other day."

Y/n nodded "What happened to her anyway, the handmaid that tried to posion me?" She asked curiously.

"She's in the dungeons, being interrogated as we speak." Noah answered "Now open the damn box."

Y/n rolled her eyes "Okay, grumpy." She grumbled, taking the top off.

Inside was a simple bracelet, it wasn't anything fancy at all. Y/n loved how simple it was. It was a gold and silver chain, with a f/c crystal on it.

"Oh, Noah, this is gorgeous." Y/n said taking it out of the box, and tossing the box behind her.

Noah rolled his eyes and smiled "I had it custom made and everything. You see that crystal, it's a tracking device. Disguised as a crystal."

Y/n looked up at him and raised a brow "A tracking device?" She asked, "Why do I need a tracking device? Do you not trust me?" She joked.

"Of course I trust you, Y/n." Noah quickly said "I just don't trust other people." He mumbled.

"Is this because of what happened?" Y/n asked "Noah, that was a one time thing. I'm not gonna get kidnapped or anything." She said rolling her eyes.

Noah sighed "Y/n, we don't know that." He said "I just want to be extra careful, don't judge me okay?"

Y/n sighed "Okay, okay." She mumbled "Can you help me puy it on?" She asked.

Noah nodded and grabbed the bracelet, and unclasped it "Hold out yout wrist."

Y/n did as he asked, gently he put the bracelet on and clipped it. Noah removed his hand, and the cold metal rested on Y/n's wrist. She smiled slightly still loving how simple it was.

"Please, please never take that off." Noah begged "I don't wanna take any chances, I can't take the risk of losing you."

"Well, you can't track me if I get poisoned again." Y/n pointed out.

Noah rolled his eyes "Shut up." He said "It's just in case, y'know. Let me be paranoid."

Y/n smiled "I'm just teasing Noah." She said "I won't take it off, I promise."

End Of Flashback

Y/n smiled slightly, feeling a little relieved. Only a little. She hopped that Noah remembered the bracelet, and him and Anakin were already on their way to save her. Y/n hoped they found her soon, she didn't know who had her, or where she was being taken.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now