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"Luke!" A woman with h/c hair shouts while walking down a path "Leia!"

A little further away, and up in the trees sat two kids. A blond little boy, with blue eyes. And a little girl with h/c hair, and e/c eyes. The both of them had their mouths covered, muffling their laughter as they watched their mother.

"Come on you two!" The woman shouts, lifting up the skirt of her light blue dress to step over a log.

Luke looks to his sister "Should we just go down?" He asks in a whisper.

Leia looks to het brother, and shakes her head with a mischievous smile "Nah, watching mom from up here is funny." She says.

"Oh is it now?"

The two children yelp in suprise, and they look back down at their mother. She was now looking up at them, hands on her hips.

"Do you two really think I wouldn't know you were up there?" The woman asks calmly.

Leia shrugs "I could only hope so."  She says with a grin.

The woman shakes her head "Both of you get down here now." She says in a scolding, but gentle voice.

Luke was the first to slowly start climbing down "I'm sorry mum." He says.

"It's okay son." The woman says gently "Now Leia, please come down." She begs.

Leia swings her legs, staring down at her mom "Come on mommm." The girl drawls "Being up here is fun."

"Leia ________ get down here please." The woman says again, her voice a little stern but still kind "Your father is waiting for us."

The girls e/c eyes glowed in excitement "Dads home?!" She squealed, quickly beginning to climb down the tree.

The woman lets out a small laugh, looking down at her son "I feel like your sister has a favorite." She jokes.

Luke smiles "Well your my favorite mom." He says turning and hugging her waist.

The little girl jumps down finally "Wheres daddy?" She asks, looking up at her mother.

The woman looks down "He's at home." She says, grabbing her sons hand and turning to walk way. Leia hurries after her mother and brother, grabbing her mother's free hand.

"Is auntie 'Soka with him?" Luke asks looking up at his mother.

The woman chuckles a little "You'll just have to wait and see my darlings." She says gently.


"Oh Y/n!" Padmè squealed rushing over to Y/n and hugging her tightly.

It had been a week since the attack, and both Anakin and Obi-wan were investigating. Only coming up with dead ends, that stressed the both of them. Y/n tried her hardest to help Anakin with his stress, which resulted in a few nights of....passion. Ever since their first night together, the two couldn't seem to keep their hands of one another. And they were both learning new things about themselves, and each other.

Y/n was back to training with master Yoda, who seemed distracted but focused. Her abilities seemed to be growing, and growing more. Master Yoda had been doing everything he could, to help her progress more with the force. Even with a late start on her training, she had progressed quicker than any Padawan. But she still struggled sometimes, which was understandable.

A few days ago, Padmè had contacted Y/n telling her she'd be coming to Coruscant for business. But that the two definitely needed to have a girls day, like they used to before things got complicated.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now