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"Both you and your babies are perfectly fine, your Majesty." The doctor who helped birth Adaline said sweetly, Daphne was on Coruscant so this was their only option.

Noah had taken Y/n back to the castle, making sure to avoid any prying eyes. He had quickly taken her to her room, which had been completely untouched since Y/n last saw it, before he rushed to get the doctor.

Noah who stood next to Y/n's bed frowned a little "Are you positive?" He asks.

The doctor nods "A hundred percent sir." She says.

Noah then sighs with a nod "Dismissed." He mumbled with a wave of his hand, his eyes now looking at his sister with worry.

The doctor gave one last smile, before quickly leaving the room. Probably on her way to check on Padmè and Ada. Y/n lets out a deep breath, dragging both hands down her face.

'I could've lost my babies....what if I lost them?' Y/n continued to think over and over, her lip trembling slightly as tears threaten to build in her eyes.

"Y/n." Noah says gently "Are you okay?" He asks after a very long period of silence.

It takes a minute for Y/n to fully collect herself, and she lets her hands fall "I thought that once Dooku was apprehend, this would all end." She mumbled.

Noah pulls up a chair before sitting down in front of her, he reaches out and grabs her shaking hand "Hey, calm down." He said gently.

"Why isn't this over?" Y/n asks sounding defeated "I-i don't understand." She mumbled.

"Why did the bounty hunter want you?" Noah asks gently.

Y/n shakes her head with a sigh "Darth Sidious hired him apparently." She mumbled, chewing on her bottom lip "For what reason I don't know."

Noah swallows and lets out a breath "Fuck." He mumbled, while shaking his head.

Y/n swallows the lump in her throat, tears filling her eyes once more "I was so scared something happened to my babies." She whispered "The fear I felt, when I thought I lost them."

"You're babies are okay Y/n." Noah said gently, brushing his thumb over her knuckles "You and your babies are safe."

"What if I lost them Noah?" Y/n asks her bottom lip wobbling a little, she let out a heavy breath "I would've hated myself."

Noah drops her hand, and wraps his arms tightly around her bringing her into a hug. He squeezed her gently, rubbing his hand along het back "Don't think about the what if's." He murmured "Think about now."


It took Noah nearly two hours to calm Y/n down, she was still shaken up and worried. She kept asking for the doctor to come back, and triple check on her two babies. The doctor did mind, she was actually rather happy. But yet again, the doctor was just a happy person. She had been going back and forth between Padmè, and Y/n for a bit before heading to her quarters to deal with her own life.

Once Noah had gotten Y/n to relax, he made her take a nap. That only took an hour. Noah stayed next to her in her bed till she fell asleep, just like he used to do whem she had nightmares after her parents died.

Even when she was asleep, Noah stayed for just a little longer. Once he was positive she wasn't having a nightmare, or wasn't going to wake he left the room.

Noah walked into his and Padmè's shared room, and he smiled at the sight. There his wife sat with their newborn daughter. Padmè looked up when she heard Noah, and she smiled "Hey, how's Y/n? I heard what happened."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now