one-hundred and nine

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Descriptions of birth, not very descriptive. But it's there.

Y/n was in her bed, groaning in pain. Her contractions were getting worse, and happening more and more. They were now ten minutes apart. It had been at least two hours, and for about an hour her contractions had stayed fifteen minutes apart.

Y/n let out a cry of pain, squeezing her eyes shut "Fuck!" She cried out. She had a death grip on Noah's hand.

Daphne when between her legs, and let out a breath "Okay you're almost ready to start pushing." She said. The young woman turned away, and pulled on a pair of gloves that went up past her elbows.

"No. No not yet." Y/n said while shaking her head, squeezing Noah's hand as another contraction ripped through her "Not without Anakin."

Noah winced when Y/n had squeezed his hand, but he didn't complain. He looked at his sister sympathetically "Y/n, these babies are coming whether Anakin is her or not." He says.

"Someone-someone needs to find him." Y/n pleaded, looking from Noah to Daphne "Please."

Daphne lets out a sigh and looks at Noah "Go and try to find him." She says.

Noah shakes his head "I can't leave her here." He says "She can't go through this alone." He says.

"She wont be alone." Daphne says "Now go, hurry up and find him!" She shouts.

Noah looks at Y/n hesitantly, who just nods. The man lets out a huff, and placed a kiss to her forehead "I'll be back as soon as I can, okay baby sis?"

Y/n just nods "Find him, or find R2 and ask him." She says.

"Got it." Noah says before rushing out of the room.


Anakin was in the medical bay with Master Windu. After contacting Master Ti, and the Coruscant guard along with the jedi temple guards. Once they arrived and took over, Anakin had taken the wounded jedi master to the temple medical wing. Anakin hadn't noticed his injury until after everything, master Windu's hands were burned with marks of lightning.

"You've done good Skywalker." Windu says once they're alone.

Anakin nods with a small smile "Thank you." He says.

Master Windu looks up at him "I was wrong about you." He says "You have brought balance to the force, and peace to the Galaxy."

Anakin never expected to hear thoes words, ever. Master Windu seemed to have such a strong dislike for him, and had no trust in him what so ever. He made it so obvious too. Mace Windu sounded genuine too, no sarcasm or anything.

"Thank you master." Is the only thing Anakin can say.

Mace lets out a heavy sigh "Now that the war is over, you have a choice to make. Either stay in the jedi order, and become a jedi master. Or live out your life with queen Y/n, and your children, with no consequences."

"I assume if I stay with the jedi, I don't get to see Y/n or my children?" Anakin asks while crossing his arms, and looking down.

Master Windu nods "Unfortunately that would the case." He says.

Anakin knew the answer, he would pick Y/n over anything and everything. Y/n and his children were far more important than anything the Jedi could give, or do for him.

"I planned on leaving the jedi order when this war ended, and I intend to still do that." Anakin says while looking back up "Can I make a request?"

Master Windu nods "It is only fair." He says.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now