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(Double update today!)

Week one

Y/n let out a groan as Obi-wan disarmed her for what felt like the hundredth time "Damnit!" She curses, managing to summon her lightsabers to her hands.

Master Yoda was once again training younglings, something he had begun doing on and off again. Whenever Yoda was with the younglings, Y/n would do several other things. Sometimes she'd train with Obi-wan if he was around, or even watch Cal train. She also spent time in the library, or if she could spend time with Padmè. Who had been moving back and forth between her apartment, and Alderaan.

Today she was spending her day training with Obi-wan more, and the two had been at it for hours. They both had on protective armor, just in case one hit the other accidentally with their saber.

"You can do it Y/n." Obi-wan encourages "Use the force to help you." He reminds.

"Clearly master yoda had thoes droids on easy." Y/n mumbles igniting her two blades.

Obi-wan ignites his blue blade "Are you sure kid?" He asks "You don't have to prove anything."

Y/n grins "I know." She says "But hey, it's good practice." She adds with a shrug, attempting to twirl her blades but failing and dropping them "Son of a bitch!" She hisses.

Obi-wan laughs "Maybe I could teach you some tricks like that." He says in amusement "You could use the practice."

Y/n scoffs and rolls her eyes, grabbing both sabers from the ground "Maybe one day, but right now we're dueling. Come at me old man." She jokes.

The older jedi makes a face "Old man?" He asks "Seriously?"

"Dead serious." Y/n says getting in a fighting stance, adjusting her grip on the blade and the placing of her feet.

Obi-wan grins "Bring it kiddo."

Y/n advances forward and hits her right saber against Obi-wan's, who easily blocks it. The two blades clashed together, with sparks of blue and yellow. Y/n goes to try and hit him with her left saber, but Obi-wan was too quick, he pushed her right blade away and quickly blocked left one pushing it back as well. He then does a backflip landing a few feet away from Y/n.

"So, how have you and Anakin been doing?" Obi-wan asks as the two begin to circle each other.

"Are you trying to distract me master Kenobi?" Y/n asks with a grin, adjusting her hold on the lightsabers.

Obi-wan smiles slightly "Is it working?" He asks.

Y/n scoffs "You wish." She says, backflippling in the air(something she had finally mastered) and using the force to help her jump higher.

She lands right behind Obi-wan, and goes to strike his back. But the older jedi was too smart, and too quick for Y/n. He holds his blade up against his back, blocking the attack and spinning to face Y/n.

"All you gotta do is disarm me." Obi-wan says swinging his saber at Y/n's left side.

"I'm trying." Y/n says jumping back, just as Obi-wan moved forward to strike her again.

Clumsily Y/n blocked the attack with her left saber, pushing his blade away. She moves to hit his right side with her right saber, but Obi-wan was quick to once again block it.

"Come on, you've gotta be getting tired old man." Y/n says teasingly, sweat dripping down her face.

Obi-wan luaghs blocking Y/n's next attack "I'm not that old." He says.

Y/n snickers "Yet." She says kicking his stomach, making Obi-wan stumble back to the ground. As quick as she could, she used the force to summon his saber into her hand.

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