one-hundred and six

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"You're not coming to Alderaan?" Noah asks in disbelief, he was standing in front of Y/n arms crossed.

He had come to Coruscant, to personally escort Y/n back home. He was supposed to at least. Y/n was sitting on the couch, munching on some snacks she had found around the apartment.

Y/n hums as she swallows her food "Correct, I'm staying here." She says, while grabbing another chip.

Noah stares at his like-sister in disbelief "You're joking right?" He asks, running his hand through is now short hair.


"Y/n, do you know how dangerous that is?" Noah asks in disbelief "You're going back to Alderaan for your safety."

Y/n lets out a sigh "I know, I know that." She says "But you forget, I was attacked on not only here but there as well. I'm not safe anywhere I go." She rants.

Noah stares at her, knowing very well she had a point "Yes....but on Alderaan I can protect you." He tried to reason.

"And on Coruscant Anakin can protect me." Y/n retorts grabbing another chip, and holding it out "Chip?" She asks.

"Y/n, now is not the time." Noah grumbled trying to hide his amusement, very poorly "Who is delivering the babies?"

"Daphne, duh." Y/n says in a obvious tone while rolling her eyes, and eating the chip with a loud crunch.

Noah lets out a deep breath "And did she agree to this?"

Y/n nods with a hum "Yes she did." She says grabbing another chip, and sticking it in her mouth "Yum." She mumbled.

Noah rolls his eyes "You're stubborn." He says, a small smile spreading across his lips.

"Damn right I am." Y/n says while holding out another chip "You seriously don't want a chip?" She asks with a big grin.

Letting out a sigh Noah gives in, and plops down next to her "You're one strange kid." He says with a yawn.

Y/n scoffs and continues to eat her snacks "I'm not a kid, not anymore at least. I'm 22." She says.

"Yeah, and I'm 28." Noah says with another yawn, reaching over and grabbing a chip and munching on it.

Y/n snorts a little with laughter "Old ass man." She says, grabbing the fruit that was next to the chips.

Noah scoffs and reaches over gently smacking her "Dickhead." He says jokingly "So, whats your plan?"

Y/n knew exactly what he meant, what he was asking "I was thinking of turning the spare room into a nursery, but I might need your help." She explained looking over at her brother.

"I can stay for a week or a little longer to help out, have Padmè come if she wants to." Noah said with a shrug.

"Thank you Noah, for everything." Y/n says looking over at her brother, reaching over and grabbing his hand with a smile "Your the best brother anyone could ask for."

Noah looks over and smiles "Yeah, well who else is gonna deal with your crazy ass." He says with a laugh.

Y/n scoffed and wacked her brother "Bitch."



A couple of days went by, and Y/n and Noah had been hard at work. Padmè had decided to stay on Alderaan, not ready to take Ada off world yet.

Y/n and Noah had been working on the nursery for days. Noah would go out and buy things, with the help of Bail. While Y/n stayed at home, and set up what she could. Whatever she couldn't set up by herself, Noah helped with. Before they were able to set anything up, Noah had moved everything out and then let Y/n get to work.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now