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Another week had passed, and the party was just in two days. Y/n had decided to head to Coruscant early, missing the simplicity of the apartment. And overall the beautiful sunset the city had.

Y/n sighed "I missed it here." She said with a smile.

Noah groaned and set down Y/n's bags "I didn't." He grumbled, "I don't trust it here." He added looking around.

Anakin walked out of the rooms "Well, good news no one has been here from what I can tell." He said.

Y/n smiled "You really didn't have to check." She said kindly.

"I wanted to." Anakin said smiling "Had to make sure it was safe, for the prettiest girl in all the Galaxy." He added flirtatiously.

Y/n's face heated up at the comment, and that nervous feeling filled her stomach. She could practically feel her hear beating out of her chest, it was such a new and amazing feeling.

Noah stared at Anakin with a slight glare, crossing his arms "Careful, Skywalker, thats my sister." He said protectively.

Y/n looked over at Noah, and smacked his arm "Shut up." She said.

Anakin chuckled "Hey, I'm only speaking the truth." He said walking over, "I'll take these to your room." He added grabbing her bags.

"Thank you, Ani." Y/n said sweetly.

Anakin nodded and quickly walked away, a nervous but happy feeling flowing through his body. He couldn't help but smile widely at the nickname everyone called him, but when Y/n said it, it felt more different.

Back in the lounge area, Noah was arguing with Y/n "We need a new jedi." He grumbled.

Y/n scoffed "And whys that?" She asked flopping down on the comfy couch.

"Do you see the way he looks at you?" Noah asked standing in front of her, and staring right at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Noah, you're being overprotective again." Y/n said "I'm a grown woman!" She exclaimed.

Noah scoffed "He shouldn't be looking at you like that." He mumbled, "Doesn't he have some.....code or something?"

Y/n rolled her eyes "Noah, you really can't expect someone to not have an attachments." She said, "That's basically asking someone to become droid like."

"Droids have attachments." Noah argued, making a valid point.

Y/n frowned "You know what I mean." She said waving her hand, "I bet jedi break that code all the time."

Noah shook his head and rolled his eyes dramatically "I still don't like him looking at you." He grumbled.

"Well too bad, because I like him." Y/n said not realizing her words could be interpreted anyway.

"WHAT!" Noah shouted.

Y/n's eyes going wide, and her face got hot "NOT LIKE THAT, MAKER!" She shouted back. Y/n hoped that Noah couldn't tell that, she was completely lying "Idiot!"

Anakin was quick to rush into the room, lightsaber in hand and ignited "I heard shouting, what happened?"

"Nothing!" Y/n exclaimed in a panic, pushing herself off the couch and looking back at the jedi. She quickly noticed the color of his lightsaber, she had only ever seen green, red, and purple before. It was blue, a color that reminded her of his eyes.

Anakin turned off his saber "Why was there shouting?" He asked calming down a little, he hadn't heard what they had said. Five minutes ago he was just spaced out thinking about Y/n, while sitting in his room. And then he heard shouting, and assumed the worst.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now