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"Come in!" The familiar voice of the Chancellor gently said from inside the room.

Y/n opens the door and steps inside the off, as usual the Chancellor was at his desk setting out the food. The woman smiles kindly, taking a seat in her usual spot "Thank you again for inviting me to these lunches." She says.

Palpatine grins as he slides over her favorite food and drink "Of course m'dear, you're company is probably the best." He says with a laugh.

"I'm glad you think so Sheev." Y/n says with a small laugh, opening up the food box and instantly digging in.

"So, how is that Alderaan village that was attacked?" Palpatine asks curiously "Is everyone safe?"

Y/n shakes while swallowing her food "A lot of my people died, and even more were injured." She says sadly.

"How unfortunate." Palpatine says shaking his head, "Do your people need medicine?" He asks.

"No. I've got it all handled. The village should be finished with repairs soon, my brother gives me constant updates." Y/n explained, downing some of her drink.

"How have you been?" Palpatine asks kindly "It's been a while since we've had a lunch."

Y/n laughs a little "I've been okay." She says "How have you been?"

"Oh I've been well, just busy with senator work as usual." Palpatine says taking a bite of his food, "How are you and Young Skywalker?"

The womans heart sped up with fear, and she swallowed "Why do you ask?" She questioned.

Palpatine shrugs "I've heard he was the one who assisted you on Alderaan." He says "And he helped you rebuild."

Y/n hums with a nod "General Skywalker saved my life, I trust him most with any Alderaan situation." She explains quickly "Along with Master Kenobi."

"That makes sense." The chancellor said.

"Yeah....." Y/n almost whispered swallowing hard, trying to shake her nervous feeling away.

Palpatine hums dismissively, while swallowing his own food before speaking "How's your jedi training?" He asks.

Another shiver went down Y/n's spine, and she squeezed her thigh. This feeling was repetitive, and she was hating it more than anything. Y/n wanted to believe the Chancellor was a good man, but these things that kept happening was making it hard. She so desperately wished she could tell someone, anyone.

Y/n lets out a sigh "Same as usual. Just training with Master Yoda to get better with the force." She says with a shrug, not wanting to talk too much about her training with this man.

"Oh that reminds me, you'll have to show me your lightsabers one of these days." Palpatine says with a grin, "I'd love to see them, and their color too."

A chill runs down Y/n's spine, and she fake laughs "They're nothing special." She says.

"Do you have them with you?" Palpatine asks before taking a bite of his food.

Y/n swallows and nods "I have them on me most times." She says, grabbing both hilts from their holsters and setting them on the table.

Palpatine reaches forward but paused "May I?" He asks kindly.

Not wanting to offend him, Y/n gives a tight smile and nods "Of course." She says nervously while taking a bite of her food.

The Chancellor grabs one of the hilts, while getting to his feet. He examines it carefully "It's much heavier than I expected." He says.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now