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The years seemed to fly by quicker than lightspeed. Y/n and Anakin had got married, and had a perfect wedding on Alderaan a little after the twins had turned one. Y/n returned to her duties as queen, while Anakin took care of the kids and got used to his new life.

The galaxy had started to rebuild itself slowly. The new Chancellor of the Galaxy, was none other than Padmè Amidala. When Y/n heard the news, she was absolutely ecstatic. She was so proud of her bestfriend. Many others in the galaxy were shocked, that a woman had somehow become Chancellor.

Y/n had been a big help for her, considering it wasn't easy to get Padmè in office. Many people didn't want a woman as Chancellor, many said "it would ruin the Galaxy more than it already was". But with Y/n's unconditional support, alongside Anakin's and Noah's support. They made it happen.

Noah often came to Alderaan with Adaline, whenever Padmè was very busy with work. She'd have playdates with the twins, and spend time with them. Y/n loved having the bubbly girl around. She had Noah's platinum hair, and Padmè's beautiful chocolate eyes. She was adorable.

When the twins turned five, Anakin began training them with the force. He had help from Obi-wan in training them, and he would come to Alderaan whenever he could. Ahsoka would also come to Alderaan and teach the twins things she had learned, not from Anakin. Whenever she said that Anakin would get fake offended and all dramatic, which alway made the twins crack up.

Leia and Luke were now seventeen. The two were rambunctious, and very mischievous children. The two were hard to keep up with, running circles around Y/n and Anakin.

"Leia. Lukeee." Y/n sang out, twirling her lightsabers in hand as she walked through the woods.

It was rare for Y/n to train with her kids, but whenever she did she loved to test them. The activities that they did were always different, hardly ever the same. On Y/n's left she could hear the bushes rustle, and Leia leaped out igniting her lightsaber. Y/n was much quicker than her young daughter, and easily.

Y/n grinned a little "Gotta be quicker then that." She said teasingly.

Leia stares into her mother's eyes, with a mischievous glint in her e/c eyes "Teach me how?" She asks.

"Me and your father have been trying to teach, both you and your brother for years." Y/n says kicking her back, but not too hard that it would hurt her.

Y/n then spun around, blocking Luke's strike with both her lightsabers. Using the force Y/n pushes her son back. Luke landed in the grass with a thud, his lightsaber fell from his hand. He was out of the game. Quickly Y/n turned back to Leia blocking her again, Leia's blue blade clashing with one of Y/n's.

"You two try this everytime, and each time it never goes your way." Y/n said teasingly.

"Come on Leia!" Luke cheered, now that he was sitting up properly "You got this big sis!" He shouts.

Y/n smiles at her children's bond. But she's quickly snappp back into reality when Leia kicks her back, making the older woman stumble. Quickly Leia sticks a hand out, and snatches one of Y/n's lightsabers from her hand.

"Impressive." Y/n says while twirling her other lightsaber, just the way Anakin did "But you've gotta get both of them."

Leia grins a little, that same grin her father head "I'm confident I'll get it." She says with a shrug. She acted so much like Anakin at times, it was unreal.

Y/n and Leia continue their duel, with Luke shouting excitedly in the background. Eventually Leia got the upper hand and disarmed her mother, knocking her lightsaber from her hand and using the force to catch it.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now