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When Y/n woke the next day, Anakin was already gone. He had left her a note, along with some breakfast. She had felt lest exhausted than yesterday, and only had some nausea. No puking, not yet at least. It was a relief.

After eating her breakfast, and taking a nice long hot shower she got to work. Y/n worked on things for Alderaan for several hours, mailing Noah files back and forth. She signed some papers, and checked on the progress of all the factories she had.

When lunch time rolled around, she quickly got changed. Before rushing out of her apartment, nearly falling as she left. Once she arrived at the Senate building, she made her way up to the Chancellor's office.




Y/n rocked back on her heels, when the door opened "General Skywalker." She said in suprise. Clearly forgetting he'd be here to day.

Anakin smiles a little and steps aside, with a little bow "Good to see you once again, your Majesty." He greets.

The Chancellor looks up as Y/n steps in, and he gets to his feet with a grin "Ah, how wonderful to see you again m'dear." He says "I hope you don't mind that I invited Young Skywalker to our lunch."

Y/n smiles as she walks over to take a seat in her normal spot "I don't mind at all." She says, "It's been some time since I was graced, with the general's presence." She lies.

Anakin laughs as he takes a sear near her "It definitely has." He agrees, going along with the lie.

The Chancellor looks between the two of them suspiciously, before plastering what seemed to be a fake smile on his face. He leaned down and grabbed a bag "This is for you my dear." Palpatine says, setting the bag down in front of Y/n.

"Thank you, Sheev." Y/n says with a small smile, while taking the food out of the bag along with the drink.

Anakin is a little shocked at what Y/n says, calling by the Chancellor by his actual name. It made a pit form in his stomach. He tries to hide his frown, but it definitely wasn't easy.

Palpatine grabbed another bag "Don't think I'd forget about you, dear boy." He says, setting the bag in front of Anakin.

"Thank you, sir." Anakin says while taking out his own food and drink, and setting it down.

The Chancellor just grins creepily, while setting out his own food "So, Y/n, how have you been my dear?" He asks.

Y/n, who had wasted no time to dig into her food, looks up with a hum while swallowing her food "I've been well, keeping busy and all."

"And your jedi training?" The Chancellor asks with a grin, while opening his food to take a bite out of whatever he had.

"It's been.....well." Y/n hesitantly lies, while quickly taking another bite of her food. She felt like she was starving, lately her appetite seemed a lot bigger than before.

Anakin looks at Y/n with worry, before looking back at rge Chancellor "Sir, earlier you mentioned a party?" He says quickly changing the subject.

Y/n frowns a little "Party?" She asks "What party?"

This makes the Chancellor smile "Ah yes, the party." He says with excitement, "I'm just throwing a party for the senators, nothing too big. I haven't quite sent out invitations yet." He explains.

"I will be of course attending, to ensure the safety of everyone." Anakin says with a small smile, "I believe Master Kenobi, along with Master Windu, and Master Shakk Ti will be joining us." He explained.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now