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A couple weeks had passed, and Padmè ended up leaving. Anakin still hadn't returned home, and Y/n was still coping with the fact she was pregnant. She was dealing with the hellish symptoms of it, along with the constant panic. Y/n continued her training with master Yoda, keeping it as normal as possible.

Y/n had only talked to Anakin a few times, and each time it was more and more nerve wracking. She did her best to hide the fact that something was wrong, but she was sure he could tell something was wrong. If he did notice, he never said or asked.

A lot of Y/n's free time was spent talking to Padmè, the both of them helping each other out. Or she was reading up on pregnancy stuff. What to get for the baby, what could go wrong durring the pregnancy. Along with how to be a mother, considering she didn't have the slightest clue.

Padmè had suggested that Y/n go see a doctor, but she didn't want to. She couldn't. If word got out that Y/n L/n Queen of Alderaan, and trainee at that jedi temple, was pregnant questions would rise. Questions she couldn't answer.

Y/n was currently laying down comfortably on the couch, completely exhausted even after doing nothing. She had read that fatigue would be a symptom of pregnancy, and she had noticed it quickly. Y/n didn't expect the fatigue to hit her so hard, it hit hardest during her training.

Something Y/n had learned was that the term 'Morning Sickness', it was bullshit. The vomiting part of the pregnancy could happen at any time, day or night. Sometimes it hit her in the morning, sometimes at night.

A knock sounded on her door, and she got to her feet. Sluggishly she made her way to the door, and pulled it open. A bright smile soon replaced Y/n's bored look "Obi-wan?" She asked in suprise.

"Hello, Y/n." Obi-wan greeted with a grin "Blazes, have you slept at all? You look exhausted."

Y/n lets out a nervous laugh as she steps aside "Yeah. It's just been hard to sleep lately." She explained, as Obi-wan stepped inside.

The older man hums and turns to look at her "Is there something different about you?" He asks.

"No?" Y/n answered her voice changing its pitch slightly, as she closed the door hurrying past him and heading to the kitchen.

Obi-wan watches her, and follows "Are you sure?" He asks looking around the apartment.

Y/n hums with a nod "Would you like something to eat?" She asks "Something to drink."

"Just some water." Obi-wan says while taking a seat on one of the stools.

"So Obi, how come you aren't with Anakin?" Y/n asks now growing worried, she then spun to look at him "He's okay right?"

Obi-wan smiled a little and nods "Yes, he's fine." He says "I'm just reporting back to the council, but I'm heading back tomorrow morning." He explained.

Y/n lets out a breath of relief, and she looks back to the sink filling up a glass "Are you closing in on Dooku?" She asks.

"We think so, but he's still one step ahead." Obi-wan explained, as Y/n walked over setting the glass down in front of him.

"Any news on Maul from Ahsoka?"

Obi-wan takes in a sharp breath "You knew?"

Y/n smiles tightly and nods "Yes. Anakin let it slip." She says "Why didn't you tell me?"

Obi-wan takes a drink of his water, and sets the glass down "I didn't want you to worry about him." He says "You have so much on your plate already."

"Even with everything Obi, I still want to know." Y/n says placing her palms on the counter, as a wave of nausea washes over her.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now