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"Emotions from that Rodian, hmm?" Master Yoda asks, motioning to the red Rodian that walked by.

A day had gone by since she returned to Coruscant, and she hadn't seen Anakin. Y/n assumed he, along with Ahsoka, had been sent on a mission. Obi-wan was still on Coruscant, but Y/n hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him. She had hardly seen him either.

Once again Y/n found herself in the upper levels of Coruscant, with Master Yoda who was testing her. Again. The two sat on a bench near Umate, the tallest mountain in the buzzing city.

The young queen takes in a deep breath, and focuses on the Rodian. She focuses on the Rodian's emotions only, nothing else.

"Anger. Lots of anger......Loathing. and Sadness." Y/n finally said, while opening her eyes to look at her master.

"Good. Much progress you have made, hmm." The old jedi master hums "Something on your mind, there is?"

Y/n lets out a breath "Do you know where Anakin is?" She asks nervously, she hardly talked about Anakin in front of Yoda. She tried not to, since the old Jedi was already breaking the code for her in several ways.

"On a siege in the mid rim, he is." Yoda says looking forward again.

"Do you know when he'll be back?" Y/n asks bouncing her leg a little, a nervous habit she sometimes had.

Yoda shakes his head "Unsure of that, I am." He says, he then points his cane at a little green twi'lek girl "Emotions, hmm?"

Looking at the girl, who was admiring Umate with her mother. She was bouncing up and down, pointing at the mountain peak. Y/n took in a deep breath, and closed her eyes.

"Joy, lots of joy. Happiness and excitement." Y/n says after a long pause, and opening her eyes to look back at her master.

Yoda hums with an approving nod "Good. Good." He says, hoping off the bench "Time for lunch it is."

Y/n got off the bench, and began following her master "Are we heading back to the temple?" She asks.

The old master grunts "No."  He says walking off, with Y/n trailing right behind him.

" where are we going?" Y/n asks in confusion.

"Out for lunch, much we have to discuss." Yoda says, his wooden cane tapping on the concrete as he walked.


"What did you want to talk about Master?" Y/n asks, after the waiter walks away after setting down their food. The old jedi master had taken her to a diner, nothing fancy just small and simple.

Yoda hums while taking a bite of his food, and swallowing it "Have lunches like this with the Chancellor, you do?" He asks.

Y/n nods slowly while taking a sip of her f/d(favorite drink) "Yes I do." She answered "Why do you ask?"

"A special interest he has taken in you." Yoda hums, while scooping up some of the soup he had gotten.

"I'm sure he's just being kind." Y/n says dismissively, while quickly taking a bite of her food.

Yoda grunts "Sure of that, are you?" He asks "Honest I want you to be."

Y/n swallows hard and shakes her head "No." She whispered.

"Tell me."

"Master....if I say what I want to's considered treason." Y/n mumbled, looking down at her plate and poking at the food.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now