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"Anakin slow down!" Y/n yelps as he boyfriend goes to strike her with his lightsaber.

The two had finally gotten the chance to duel, and he definitely was bot going easy. Anakin was far quicker, and much more skilled than Y/n. And even if Anakin wasn't going exactly easy on Y/n, he would never hurt her. And he made sure of that. Whenever he went to strike Y/n, and he knew it would've hit het if they weren't training, he'd stop the blade about a foot away.

"Not happening sweetheart." Anakin says kicking her back, and spinning his lightsaber.

Y/n quickly blocked his next attack "Ani I'm not as skilled as you are." She grunts, pushing her two yellow blades against Anakin's blue one.

"Well this is how you'll learn." Anakin says using the force to shove her back.

Y/n flies back landing, and rolling on the ground harshly. Her blades fly from her hands, and finally she lands on het back. Y/n blankly stares up at the tall roof of the training room, a frown on her face.

"Oh shit!" Anakin exclaimed rushing over to her "Are you okay, sweets?" He asks worriedly, crouching down at her side

"I'm fine." Y/n says sitting up and rolling her shoulders "I told you to go easy on me." She says, using the force to try and call both sabers to her hand.

"You've gotta practice more combat." Anakin says frowning, while clipping his saber to his belt.

The two hilts wiggled, and slowly inched in her direction. Y/n groaned in frustration, and suddenly the hilts flew into her hand. The woman grins "Ha Ha!" She exclaimed proudly, completely ignoring Anakin's words.


"What?" Y/n asks looking over at her boyfriend, before pushing herself to her feet.

Anakin follows her actions "You need to work on your combat more." He says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Anakin, it's fine." Y/n says dismissively waving her free hand, just before putting her hilts in their holsters.

"Y/n, you never know when you'll need to use these kinds of skills." Anakin tries to reason

Before Y/n could get another word out, the lights suddenly went out. And a red emergency light came on, lighting the room slightly "What the fuck?"

"Something's not right." Anakin says in worry, while pulling out his comlink "Obi-wan? Come in Obi-wan."

Y/n scoffed "Yeah, obviously." She says not moving from her spot.

"An-akin." Obi-wan's static voice said "Anakin whe-er are you?"

Anakin frowns "I'm with Y/n, we're in training room B." He says "Whats going on?"

Y/n looks to Anakin now worried "Why are coms not working?" She asks.

"I don't know." Anakin mumbles "Obi-wan are you there?"


Y/n's eyes widened a little "Did he just say attack?" She asks, "As in this temple, the jedi temple, the one place that shouldn't be attacked is being attacked?" She asks quickly

"Obi-wan? Are you there?" Anakin asks again, now sounding panicked.

"Are coms down?" Y/n asks fearfully "What if something happened to him?" She panics, now worried for Ahsoka and Obi-wan's safety.

Anakin shakes his head "I don't know." He says, trying to keep himself calm. Even though deep down he was freaking out.


𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now