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"Little sky, you weren't supposed to push your sister." A Togruta woman, whose face was blurred, said her voice incoherent but familiar.

A little blond boy, whose face wasn't blurred, was sitting on her lap looking at her with big blue eyes. He looked to be 7 or maybe even 8, it was hard to tell "She dared me too!"

They were sitting on a fancy, but familiar couch. The setting behind them was blurred, and what stuck out the most was the couch. A different woman in a white basic dress walks in, her face blurred just like the Togruta women's. She was carrying a snack try, full of all sorts of different snacks.

The little boy hopped off the womans lap "Momma!" He squeals happily.

The womans lips unblur for a split second to show a motherly smile "Hi my sweet boy." She says, setting the tray down on the table "Wheres your sister?"

"She's with ______." The Togruta woman says "He's teaching her lightsaber basics."

The little boy lets go of his mother, and instantly heads for the food tray. His blue eyes glow at the sight of bantha biscuits, and he instantly takes one and begins eating it.

The woman sighs and shakes her head "I mean, teaching her young could be a good idea." She says "Hows ___-___?"

The Togruta laughs "He's doing okay." She says "Me and ___ visited him the other day."

The woman in the dress takes a seat on the couch "I still can't believe you all left the je-"

Y/n is suddenly stirred awake by someone shaking her "Fuck off." She grumbles.

"Sweets, get up you need to pack." Anakin's voice gently says.

Her eyes shoot open and she sits up slightly "Pack?" She asks in confusion "What do you mean?"

"We're going on a trip." Anakin says brightly.

Y/n throws the blanket off herself "Where, and why?" She asks.

"It's a surprise." Anakin says with a grin.

"What about the council? Won't they wonder why you're leaving?" Y/n asks worriedly "Why we're both leaving."

Anakin shakes his head "Noah helped with that." He says "He contacted the council saying he needed you on Alderaan, and he requested I go with." He explains.

Y/n climbed out of bed and smiles "Noah must really like you." She says "But I server want to know where you're taking me to."

Anakin smiles and grabbs one of her travel bags "I'm not spoiling the suprise sweets." He says "Now hurry."

"Ugh, you're no fun." Y/n complains rolling her eyes dramatically, before heading over to the closet.


"Are we there yet?" Y/n asks sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking out all the windows staring into the empty blue hue of hyperspace.

Anakin sighs "No." He says shaking his head "You're very impatient."

"This is your fault." R2 beeps from in between them.

"See!" Y/n exclaimed "Even R2 thinks not telling me was a bad idea."

"Not even I know where we're going." The droid whistled.

Anakin rolls his eyes "R2 if you knew, you'd tell her." He says glancing at the droid.

The droid beeps "Probably."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now