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The next day Y/n sits at her desk, just doing some paperwork. It was around noon, and Anakin had left early that morning to the jedi temple. The day had been slow, and boring. Not to mention, today she had been feeling more exhausted than normal. The fatigue was kicking in much more this time.

When suddenly the door was slammed open "YOUR PREGNANT?!"

Y/n flinches and looks up to see Noah, too tired to have a startled reaction "Dude, what the fuck!" She complained "You can't just break into my apartment!"

"Yes I can." Noah says while standing there, his hands on his hips "I am your older brother, therefore I am allowed to break in. Since TECHNICALLY it's not breaking in. It's just inviting myself in without permission." He rants.

Y/n stares at him "Thats-thats literally breaking and entering." She says.

"SHHHHHHH, thats not the point!" Noah shouts dramatically "The point is, YOU'RE PREGNANT."

"How did you even find out?" Y/n grumbled as she shook her head, looking back down at her work.

Noah walks over to her desk, and stands in front of it crossing his arms "Anakin told me." He says "AND YOUR ENGAGED!" He shrieked.

"Oh maker, end me." Y/n grumbled placing her head on the table, before looking back up "Why the blazes did Anakin tell you I was pregnant, and engaged?" She asks.

Plopping himself down in the chair in front of her desk, "Because, he said he needed doctors to check on you. Since you apparently haven't been to one yet."

Y/n sighs while rubbing her eyes "You couldn't have told me you'd be coming?" She asks.

"Fuck no. As soon as he told me, I got our most trustworthy and experienced doctor and got a ship and came here." Noah explained nonchalantly.

"Noah....can this doctor be trusted?" Y/n asks worriedly, looking tiredly at her brother.

Noah nods confidently "Of course, I made them take an oath. Specifically......specifically the old oath." He murmured.

Y/n's head snapped up and she stared at him in disbelief "The old oath?" She asks, pushes herself to her feet "The old oath, that the old king made?" She asks her anger rising.

"Yes?" Noah answered looking up at her, his voice sounding like his answer was a question.

The old oath, something one of the old Kings of Alderaan made. This particular oath could lead to death. If you kept to your word and didn't say anything, you'd live. If you didn't keep to your word and said something to anyone, about whatever it was that was they'd be executed.

"Noah if that oath is broken, it results in death. Execution!" Y/n shouts in disbelief, while throwing her hands up "That is exactly why we don't use it anymore, it hasn't been used in centuries. It was banned during the old republic."

"I know, I know. But thats the entire point." Noah defends "If you don't want anyone to find out, you're going to have to do some extreme things."

Y/n brings her hands up, rubbing them on her face "But to threaten someone's life!?" She shrieked.

Noah sighs a little "Okay first of all, I know for a fact the doctor wont say anything." He says in confidence.

"Then why make them take the oath?!"

"It's a precaution damnit!" Noah shouts while getting to his feet, "I'm doing this to make sure no one finds out, so no one uses this against you. It is my duty as your brother to protect you, no matter what. We may not be family by blood, but you are my family. My baby sister."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now