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"What do you mean someone was watching you?" Noah asked in a stressed voice.

The two sibling like friend, stood in Y/n's office. She had told Noah exactly what she had saw, and where she had saw it. And now he was totally freaking out, and was more panicked than before.

Y/n rolled her eyes "You really are dense." She mumbled, "Someone was watching me while I was visiting my parents grave."

"Were you alone?"

"No, obviously not." Y/n said in an obvious tone, "The only time I'm ever alone is in my room, and I'm lucky if I'm alone there! Half the time you're up my ass, making sure nothings happening."

"Can you blame me!" Noah shouted throwing his hands up.

Y/n sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "No it's just...." She sighs again "All of this is not easy on me." She mumbled.

Noah's sighed as well "I know." He said, "I know it hasn't been easy on you."

"What am I going to do, Noah?" Y/n asked worriedly "I can't live like thos forever, I can't always have a jedi to protect me."

Noah took a step forward "If a jedi won't protect you forever, then I will." He said, reaching out and grabbing her hands "You're my sister. My family. I will not lose you."

Y/n smiled at his words "Noah-"

"Don't. Don't say what you're gonna say." Noah quickly interrupted "If I can't protect you forever, than I'll protect you till my dying breath." He vowed.

Y/n teared up a little "I really don't deserve you." She whispered smiling.

Noah scoffed "Don't get all sappy." He teased, instantly changing up the mood.

"Maker, do you always have to ruin the moment?" Y/n asked in a joking tone.

"Yes, yes I do." Noah said with a grin.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked over to her desk "Noah, is the shipment still on course?" She asked.

"The war supplies for the republic?"

"Obviously. It was sent out today right?"

Noah nodded "Yeah, it should be arriving to Coruscant today."

Y/n nodded "Good, hopefully that helps a bit." She mumbled, shuffling through papers.

"It'll definitely help." Noah said "I'm sure they're all grateful for your help."

Y/n frowned pulling out an invitation "Huh, when did this arrive." She asked, holding it up.

Noah tilted his head slightly "Uh, probably yesterday." He said, "Thats when the makl last came in."

Y/n shrugged and grabbed her letter opener, and cut the envelope open. She pulled out the paper inside, and skimmed over paper.

"It's an invite." Y/n said "From the chancellor."

"The Chancellor?" Noah asked a scowl on his face, "An invite for what?"

Y/n looked up "He's invited me to a party, along with several other Senators." She said.

Noah shook his head "You're not going." He quickly said.


"No, you aren't going." Noah said more sternly, "Do you know how dumb that idea is?"

Y/n sighed "Noah, I am the queen of Alderaan. I have a seat on the Senate." She stressed, "If I don't go to this, so you know how bad that would look on me?" She asked.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now