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"Come on Obi, I've only been back a day." Y/n complains following him "I hate when people wake me up early."

Obi-wan had come by a little after Anakin left that morning, to wake Y/n up and force her out of the apartment. When Y/n had been shaken awake, she thought it was Anakin. It definitely was not.

"You'll be fine." Obi-wan says waving his hand in a dismissive manner.

Y/n groans "No I wont!" She said dramatically "If I don't get enough sleep I die!" She says quickly, "And not to mention I haven't had my coffee!" She shouts "I need caffeine!"

"Maker you are dramatic." Obi-wan says shaking his head "You don't need caffeine."

"Hardly. And I do need caffine, it keeps me sane." Y/n scoffs wincing at the small sting she felt, when when her hand bumped her side "Why am I being forced awake anyway?"

Obi-wan rolls his eyes with a small smile "Well you were gone for quite some time, and master Yoda wants to make sure you're not rusty."

Y/n scoffs in disbelief "Rusty? I was gone for a few days!" She says, the two of them walking down the bland jedi temple halls.

"And in thoes few days you managed to get stabbed." Obi-wan says turning his head to look at her.

"But I kicked their asses." Y/n points out wincing a little.

Obi-wan frowns a little "Are you okay little one?" He asks.

Y/n nods with a tight smile "Yeah, I'm all good." She says dismissively, "My side stings every now and then."

"You've got to be more careful, little one." Obi-wan says shaking his head, and looking forward.

Little one

"Hey Obi?" Y/n asked suddenly "Why do you call me little one?"

Obi-wan hums "Probably the same reason you call me Obi." He says shrugging.

"Because I'm lazy?"

"Okay, maybe not." Obi-wan says with a laugh "I'm not sure why I call you little one." The older man answered, but then he smiled a little "It....just feels right I guess."

Y/n smiles widely "Well.....I like it." She says "Where is master Yoda by the way?" She asks.

"Kashyyyk. He wanted to discuss some things with a wookie chief." Obi-wan explained "So you get to train with me today."

Y/n grins and shrugs "Wanna spar?" She asks.

Obi-wan shakes his head "Nope. You're not sparing just yet, not till thoes stitches are gone." He says.

"Ughhhhh!" Y/n groans loudly and dramatically.

"Oh hush." Obi-wan says "You'll be fine."


"Are you sure your side isn't hurting?" Obi-wan asked worriedly, the two now making their way to the exit of the temple.

The two had been training for a few hours, just doing a few simple things. Nothing too extreme, Obi-wan didn't want her to tear her stitches. But it was a nice way to pass the time. After training Obi-wan insisted, on walking her to her speeder.

"Obi I'm fine, all we did were stretches. And you taught me some lightsaber forms." Y/n says with a small laugh "My side doesn't even hurt."

A lie. Y/n's side kept stinging and burning, not to mention the stitches itched. She just kept ignoring the pain, and tried not to wince when she felt a sting.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now