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The next day Y/n stood in her room, staring at a stack of books on her bed. She had been attempting to lift the stack, but was failing miserably. She had been at it for at least an hour, and only managed to lift the top book. With each fail Y/n felt herself becoming more, and more irritated.

Y/n's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door "Enter!" She shouted, sticking her hand out.

The door opened with a hiss "Y/n? What are you doing?"

Y/n looked back "Obi-wan." She said in suprise "I didn't think you were on Coruscant?" She says in confusion.

Obi-wan smiles "I just got back." He says walking further in the room, the door closing behind him "I wanted to check on you, see how you were doing."

A sigh leaves the queens lips "I've been okay, just a little frustrated." She says, looking back at the stack of books.

"What are you trying to do?" Obi-wan asks walking to stand at her side.

"Trying to get better with the force, lifting more heavy items." Y/n explains holding her hand out, hoping to actually lift it this time.

Obi-wan looks at the stack of books "Don't strain yourself." He says.

Y/n once again only manages to lift one book, she lets out a frustrated groan "Fuck!" She curses. Her hand falling to her side.

Obi-wan placed a hand on her shoulder "Not everyone gets it the first few tries." He says.

"That's the thing Obi-wan, I've been at it for hours." Y/n says annoyed "Ever since I stopped training today."

Obi-wan frowns "Y/n, you shouldn't overwork yourself." He says.

"I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it." Y/n says rubbing her face with both hands.

Obi-wan sighs and grabs the books "Sit down." He says, setting the books on a desk that had been moved in the room. It wasn't too big, but it was decent and it already had books stacked on it.

Y/n does as she told, despite her confusion "Uh, whats happening?" She asks.

Obi-wan takes a seat next to her "You're gonna do something other than train." He says, "And it's long overdue for us to have a conversation."

"Right, we were supposed to talk. But then you got sent off." Y/n says.

"I'm sure you have some questions."

Y/n nods and turns her body in his direction "What-what was Qui-gon like?" She asks, Y/n could hardly remember the Jedi. He was around a lot, but he died when she was so young it was hard to remember.

Obi-wan smiles "He was a wise master, and a good friend. I looked up to him a great deal. He spoke of your mother a lot, Qui-gon only trusted a few people with that information." He says.

"Did he ever speak of me?" Y/n asked curiously.

Obi-wan laughed with a nod "Yes. He adored you, you were probably his favorite person ever." He says.

Y/n smiles brightly "Really?" A happy feeling bubbling in her chest.

The older jedi nods with a laugh "Oh yes, everytime he came back from visiting you and your mother. He seemed to be the happiest man in the entire Galaxy." He says, he begins to smile a little more "He was hoping that you'd be able to weild the force, and that you'd join the jedi and become my Padawan." He explains, "He used to say that I was the only person he trusted with his niece."

"You were his Padawan, you were the closest to him." Y/n says.

"Even with the attachments he had, he never let his personal feelings get in the way of anything." Obi-wan says with a smile, "He was two different people. When he was on Alderaan he was so different from how he was, whenever we had jedi business."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now