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Anakin was just outside the homestead, repairing an old speeder with Owen. He was showing him a few tips and tricks, just to help him out. They had been at it for a while, since Y/n and his mother left. Seconds after they left, Owen and Beru had come back. Beru had gon off to find things to prep for dinner, while also making some lunch.

R2 was beside Anakin, handing him tools and doing what he could to help. It was obvious that the droid was bored, and more sassy than usual.

"How'd you get so good at all this?" Owen asks watching Anakin adjust something in the engine.

"Years and years of practice." Anakin answers.

"Don't mess it up." R2 beeps bumping Anakin slightly.

Anakin turns and looks at the astromech "If you bump me, I'm gonna mess up." He says.

"If you mess it up it's because you suck." R2 sassed bumping Anakin, who gently pushed him away.


The scream catches everyone's attention. Anakin stands fully and looks in the direction of the sound, and R2 whistles in confusion. In the distance there were two figures, slowly moving in their direction.

"Who is it?" Owen asks in confusion walking forward a bit, and then his eyed went wide "Oh maker." He gasps.

Anakin's heart completely falls "No, no, no." He whispered, taking a few steps forward. It was Shmi and Y/n. Anakin's eyes go wide when he feels the physical pain from one of them, and he sprinted in their direction Owen on his heels.

"Anakin! Help!" Shmi shouts as Anakin and Owen grew closer, and closer "Help her!" She cried.

Panic fills him even more when he see the state Y/n's in "What happened?" Anakin asked, his heart racing and running faster.

As Anakin got closer, both Shmi and Y/n collapsed. Y/n fell completely to the sandy ground, while Shmi fell to her knees. The older woman had a look of exhaustion and fear, but she wasn't hurt physically in any way.

Anakin fell to his knees beside Y/n, and placed his hand on her side "What happened?"

"Are you okay?" Owen asks looking to Shmi who was covered in blood.

Shmi nods her hands shaking "It's not my blood." She whimpered.

"Mom what happened?" Anakin asks tapping Y/n's cheek "Sweets, are you with me?"

Y/n out a groan "Mmmmmm Ani?" She wheezed out in a mumble.

"We were attacked by raiders." Shmi says as Owen helps her to her feet "Y/n got stabbed, she's lost a lot of blood."

Owen looks at Anakin "Beru can help her." He says.

Anakin lets out a breath, and picks her up bridal style "You're gonna be okay darling."

Y/n lets out a whine of pain "Anakin, it hurts." She cries, her head falling and eyes shutting.

"Hey, hey, come on stay awake." Anakin says using his arm closest to her head, and jolting her awake.

"I can't." Y/n whimpered shaking her head, before passing out completely.

Panic coursed through Anakin, he could feel her life force. It was faint, so faint it almost wasn't there. Not being able really feel her life force scared him, more than he had ever been before.


"What the blazes do you mean she was injured?" Obi-wan asked through the hologram, looking at Anakin in disbelief.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now