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Y/n walks into her apartment, a few hours later. Once the party had ended, Noah and Padmè took her home. Y/n goes to close the door behind her, but it doesn't actually close. Instead Anakin walks in right behind her, slamming the door. Flinching Y/n spins around "What the fuck-"

"Who was that guy you were talking to?" Anakin asks walking past Y/n, and talking off his cloak and tossing it on the couch.

"Well, hello to you too." Y/n grumbled kicking her heels off by the door, and walking over to the couch.

"Who was he, Y/n?" Anakin repeated walking over to the couch, and pacing in front of it.

Y/n watched Anakin go back and forth with her eyes, her hand resting on her stomach. She knew exactly who he was talking about, but she decided to mess around a bit. Seeing Anakin jealous was always a sight to see.

"Who?" Y/n asked trying to hide her growing grin, resulting to chewing her bottom lip.

Anakin stops and turns to look at her "Don't act like you don't know." He grumbled.

Y/n just bats her lashes, and smiles "I spoke to many people, my love." She says "You're gonna have to be more....specific." She adds holding her hand up and rolling her wrist.

"The guy that was way too close to you. The guy thay offered you a glass of wine, and you didn't accept it. The guy that Noah talked to, after placing a hand on your head." Anakin ranted quickly, his jaw clenching after he spoke. He quickly realized how jealous he sounded, but couldn't find himself to care.

His words made Y/n raise her brows in suprise "General Skywalker, were you watching me?" She gasped, placing her hand on her heart.

Anakin looks away "I- Yes." He mumbles "I can't help it okay, it's a habit." He grunts.

Y/n pushes herself up from the couch, and walks over grabbing Anakin's hands "You really wanna know who it was?" She asks.


"It was the senator of Lothal."

Anakin hums "Haven't met him before." He mumbled "What did he want?"

Y/n goes silent and her lips are pulled into a thin line, she didn't expect him to ask. She should've expected it, but for some reason she didn't. If Y/n told him what Jasper said he'd not only be jealous, but pissed.

"Y/n.....what did he want?" Anakin asked.

"He-he uhm." Y/n swallows with a smile "He was just,uhm, he wanted to marry me." She finally got out, "And he said some...
Awful things."

Anakin clenches his jaw and he stares at Y/n for a second "I'm gonna fucking kill him." He grumbled, stepping away from her and heading for the front door.

"Anakin Skywalker you get back here." Y/n quickly said before he could get to the door.

Freezing in his spot Anakin clenches his fists, before turning around "What?" He asks.

Y/n walks over to him "You aren't doing a damn thing." She says while still using her stern voice, she grabs his flesh hand and puts one hand on top of it and the other on the bottom. Y/n smiles a little "You are going to stay here, and we're going to spend time together."

Anakin pulls his lips into a thin line "What about that....twat?" He asks coldly.

Amusement glittered in Y/n's eyes "He won't be coming anywhere near me." She says, leaning up to kiss his cheek "I promise."

"Fine." Anakin mumbles with a sigh "But if he comes near you again-"

"Anakin, he wont." Y/n reassured, though she didn't know if it was true "I think Noah scared him off." She adds with a small laugh.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now