one-hundred and two

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The next morning, there was still no sign of Anakin. Y/n tried her best to shrug it off, and ignore the ache in her heart. She did everything she could to stay distracted, which included cleaning her office back up.

After making some food and coffee, Y/n got to work. She worked all day, catching up on all the missing work. Y/n had even done Noah's work, which freed him up for the entire day. That helped with her guilt, only a little.

She worked all day, up until dinner time at least. Still no sign of Anakin. The work kept Y/n decently distracted, but she sometimes found her mind drifting to Anakin. Too many times.

What is he doing?

Why won't he come home?

Is he avoiding me?

Did I do something to upset him?

Maker, is he having second thoughts about everything?

Y/n felt like she was going insane, and it wasn't like she could go out to confront him. There was the risk of someone seeing them, and overhear the arguing that definitely would've happened. Not to mention someone seeing her very pregnant stomach. If that happened, more questions would rise. More than there already was.

Once she had finished with her work, she decided to cook some food. Her worry and paranoia eventually turned into something else, anger and annoyance.

What could I have possibly done?

If he's mad about me going to see Padmè, I swear-Padmè was in labor! I couldn't just not be there for her, and Noah.

Y/n let out a huff as she took the food out of the oven, she had only made enough for herself this time. She was muttering to herself, while looking from the food to her lightsabers. The two metal hilts were set on the counter, practically calling her name.

She wasn't taking any risks tonight. Y/n had been attacked in her own home before, several times actually. This time she was going to be more then ready. She was going to be prepared. It had once again become a habit of hers, carrying around her lightsabers.


Another day had gone by, and still no Anakin. Y/n only got more angry. Today she spent the day reading, since she had done all her work and shopping the day before. It was much harder to stay distracted. Y/n eventually found herself back in her cloak, and went to the bookshop hoping to add to the little collection.

She had decided that going out, and doing stuff was better than sitting in her own anger. So that's what she did, or tried to do at least. It definitely wasn't easy, especially since a part of her missed Anakin.

Y/n was once again cooking dinner that night, making only enough for herself. At this point she knew that Anakin most likely wasn't coming home, just like the night before and the night before that. Y/n didn't understand what she could have possibly done for this to happen, it was maddening.

Just as Y/n was dishing up her food, the sound of the door closing was heard. Quickly Y/n used the force to pull lightsabers to her hands, and made her way to the entrance of the kitchen. She pressed her back to the wall, just a few feet from the door. Heavy booted footsteps made their way closer, and closer to the kitchen.

Once the person stepped through the door, Y/n ignited her lightsabers and went to attack whoever it was. But before the yellow blade could even hit anything, the person spun around and held their hands up. Stopping the two blades mid air. When Y/n got a better look at whoever it was, her eyes widened and she faltered completely.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now