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"Cal!" Y/n exclaimed happily, hugging the ginger boy "I haven't seen you in so long."

A few days had passed, a few days full of all sorts of things. Several hours of just passion, and sex between Anakin and Y/n. It was all so insane. Their hands constantly on each other, and each moment together always spun into a hot fiery passion. Y/n was surprised she could walk, especially since Anakin seemed to always get carried away. Something that she loved.(I'm sorry for robbing yall of smut, I'm just way too lazy to do it)

The two of them were spending as much time as they could together, never knowing when Anakin would get thrown back into battle. Y/n had a feeling it would be soon, especially with Obi-wan and Ahsoka both hunting sith lords, and slowly zeroing on their location.

That morning when Y/n had woken up, her breasts felt extra sensitive. She wasn't entirely sure why, but just assumed her period was coming. Anakin had woken up early that morning, and once again made her a nice breakfast. It was something he had been doing quite a lot, it was seeet.

The ginger teen just smiles "It hasn't been that long. " He says.

"Look at you, force, did you get taller?" Y/n asks walking down the hall of the temple, heading in the direction of the training rooms.

Cal rolls his eyes while following her "I don't think so." He says.

Y/n grins a little "So, why am I training you today?" She asks "I'm pretty sure you have more experience than me."

"Master Tapal says it's cause you can weild two lightsabers." Cal says with a shrug "He said you might be able to show me a few things."

"Huh. I would expect him to want a master, or someone who is more qualified than me to train you." Y/n mumbled while they walked into one of the training rooms, "I'm not even a jedi." She adds.

Cal shrugs again "He seems to trust you enough."

Y/n shakes her head "I'll never understand why." She says, walking over to one of the training racks "We'll star with what I started with." She said. Y/n grabs two training stick and tosses them to Cal, who easily catches them.

The Padawan teen twirls one blade in his hand, concealing hard to not drop it "Do we have to use these?"

"Yes." Y/n says grabbing her own trainers, spinning them both at the same time. With a lot of practice, she had gotten just as good as Anakin and Ahsoka.

Cal makes a face and sighed "Okay....so what do I do first?" He asks.

Y/n smiles a little "First, I'm gonna teach you how to block properly." She says, placing her feet in the correct position and holding the two sticks up.

Cal moves to stand exactly like Y/n, looking at his own feet placement and then Y/n's. After a minute he looked to Y/n "Am I doing it right?" He asks.

Y/n smiles and nods "No hold the stick just like me, and hold them up to block." She says, adjusting her fingers.

Once again Cal does exactly as Y/n "Like this?"

Y/n nods again "Good, you've got the fighting skills down. So all you really need to learn, is how to fight efficiently with them." She says "Ready to spar?"

Cal node eagerly "Yeah. But go easy on me, I may know how to fight. But I don't know know how to fight with these."

"You'll be able pick up on it quickly." Y/n says with a big smile "I'm sure of it."


"I don't know why Master Tapal didn't teach me this sooner." Cal said while puting the training stick away, a big smile on his face.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now