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Later that night, everyone was gathered at the table food on their plates. Shmi and Cliegg were sitting next to each other, Owen and Beru next to each other, and then Y/n and Anakin. During the first half of dinner Anakin had done his best, to keep the topic off them. Anakin asked how the farm was going, and if they needed anything to help.

Cliegg had said that the farm was doing well, but it wasn't easy. He was glad to have Owen helping him out when he can, but Owen was also working a side job to bring in extra credits. Cliegg had turned down the offer of help, saying he'd feel guilty and in debt.

"So how did you two meet?" Cliegg asked curiously looking between the two.

Anakin laughs "Well I was sent to protect her from a threat, several threats actually." He explains "At first I didn't want the job, I was so focused on the war."

Y/n looks at him "You didn't want the job?" She asks slightly amused.

"Anakin!" Shmi scolded gently, giving her son a look.

"I-uh I mean I-I wanted to focus on the war." Anakin says in a nervous panic "Believe me, I'm glad I got that job!"

"I'm kidding Ani, believe me I didn't want to be protected by anyone. But I'm glad." Y/n says laughing slightly "Anakin has saved my life more times than I can count."

Shmi smiles proudly "I'm glad ge was able to keep you safe." She says.

Cliegg grunts "Anakin, how's that what was her name?" He asks looking around the table.

"Senator Amidala?" Beru asks tilting her head.

The older man nods "Yes her, how is she?"

Anakin smiles "She's doing well." He says "She's currently on Alderaan with Noah."

"Noah?" Owen asks curiously crossing his arms "Who's Noah?"

Y/n smiles "My older brother." She answered "They're ruling Alderaan in my absence." She explained.

Beru takes a bit of her food "You have an older brother?" She asks "I heard that king and queen only had one child?" She added.

Cliegg looks to the young woman "How'd ya know tha'?" He asks taking a bite of his food.

"Someone at the market told me a while back." Beru says with a shrug "Some....traveling trader or whatever."

"Oh Noah isn't not her blood brother." Anakin says.

Y/n nods "Me and him look nothing alike. His hair is so blond, I'm convinced he bleaches it." She says with a laugh.

"Y/n we're not supposed to expose his big secret!" Anakin jokingly says nudging his girlfriend.

Y/n rolls her eyes with a smile "He'll be fine." She says with a laugh.

Owen laughs "You two are practically made for each other." He says with a grin.

Shmi smiles "I'm glad you found someone Ani." She says "And I'm very glad you don't entirely follow that jedi code."

"Wouldn't you get in trouble for not following that code?" Beru asks sounding a little worried.

"I'd only get in trouble if they found out." Anakin says shrugging, taking a bite of the bantha roast "And the worst they'd do is make me leave the jedi. Even then In doubt they would, they need me." He adds in an almost bitter tone.

Y/n looks at him with sympathy, she knew how much he hated how he was a slave to the jedi. Y/n reached under the table, and grabbed his hand lacing her fingers with his. Anakin squeezed her hand, showing his appreciation.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now