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The next afternoon

"Your life, no longer in danger we think it is." Yoda says calmly.

Y/n currently was in front of the Jedi council, she used to not feel this nervous in front of them. But now with both Mace and Mundi giving her weird a look, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Thats wonderful news." Y/n says not letting her voice waver.

Yoda nods "Stay at your apartment, you are allowed. If you want." He says "But must return every morning for training."

Y/n smiles "I can do that." She says with a nod, feeling a little more relaxed.

"Is training her still wise?" Mace Windu asks irritably, his glare right on Y/n.

Shaak Ti looks at Mace with a disapproving look "Master Windu, not training this girl would be a mistake." She says.

Plo Koon hums in agreement "She's very strong with the force, much like Skywalker." He says looking around at his fellow members.

Shaak Ti gives Y/n a smile, one that made her feel more at ease "Master Yoda has spoken highly of you and your training." She says "I have to say, I'm quite impressed with your progress."

Y/n lets out a breath of relief "I'm glad you thinks so, it-it means a lot to hear that." She says.

Obi-wan nods with a smile "I've been helping her as well, only a few small things whenever Master Yoda has other business." He explains "She's a very fast learner, and she's advancing quickly. Especially with how she started out."

Kit Fisto(who was appearing in a hologram) nods with a hum "At first I wasn't sure about your training, but now I'm positive this is a good idea." He says, "It could be possible that you could help Skywalker defeat the sith, your midichlorian counts are close."

Y/n nods slowly "Right." She says, unsure how to take his words. If her midichlorian count wasn't 26,000 and something else instead, would he still feel that way?

Ki-Adi-Mundi and Master Windu hadn't said a word, just silently sitting there. Master Windu looked exceptionally pissed, more than usual.

Plo Koon looks to Yoda "You should be proud of her." He says.

"Proud of her, I am." Yoda says with a hum "But prouder, her parents would be."

Y/n smiles "Thank you, Master." She whispers, thoes words making her feel so much better. About everything.


"Wait what?" Anakin asks in suprise, after Y/n had finished telling him what happened.

Y/n nods as she moves around the room, packing the few things she had. Anakin sat on the bed, watching her move wildly.

"They're letting me stay at my apartment!" Y/n says excitedly, she loved the temple but it didn't really feel like home.

Anakin frowns "What about your training?" He asks a nervous feeling bubbling inside him, it wasn't the only question he wanted to ask. But Anakin felt a little scared to ask the next one.

"I'll be coming back every day to train." Y/n says looking at some papers, and then tossing the useless ones away.

"And....what about us?"

Y/n pauses looking to Anakin in confusion "What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean without you here, wouldn't that-"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now