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A week had gone by, and Y/n was getting better with the force. She could now successfully lift a stack of books, and push droids over. Slowly but surely Y/n was getting stronger, especially with such a short amount of time. Master Yoda just kept getting more, and more impressed with her skill.

There was still no news about Anakin, or when he'd return. Y/n could feel herself getting anxious, all that she knew was he was in the outer rim. She wished someone would tell her something, anything to calm her mind.

Currently Y/n was talking to both Noah and Padmè through the hologram, she missed both of them. It was such a change to not see Noah every day, or hear his stupid jokes.

"Maker, I miss you guys." Y/n says looking at the hologram of the two, "How have you guys been?"

Padmè smiles "We've both been good." She says, placing her hands on Noah's shoulders and kissing his cheek "Noah misses you a lot." She adds teasingly.

Noah rolls his eyes "I wouldn't say a lot." He says "I mean the palace is finally quiet." He jokes.

Y/n rolls her eyes "Oh yeah, I'm sure." She says sarcastically, before standing up "I wanna show you guys something."

"What is it?" Padmè asks curiously, a large smile on her face.

"Is it another book?" Noah asks remembering all the books she had shown him before.

Y/n grabs her sabers, and holds them up "I got two now bitches!" She shouts grinning.

Noah's eyes widened slightly "They seriously trusted you with two?" He asks, a laugh following after.

"Believe it or not Noah, I'm very skilled with them both." Y/n boasts with a grin.

"What color are they?" Padmè asks curiously "Ooo are they green?" She asks "Maybe blue like Anakin's?"

Y/n smiles "Yellow. Just like the temple guards." She says setting, walking back to her nightstand and setting them down.

"Wow! I bet they're gorgeous, I've never seen a yellow lightsaber before." Padmè gasps "I definitely have to see thoes in person at some point." She says.

Noah nods in agreement "I second that." He says, "Speaking of Anakin how is he?" Noah adds curiously.

Padmè smiles "I'd also like to know." She says "I hope he's taking care of R2, C3-PO misses him quite a bit."

Y/n smiles walking back to her desk, and taking a seat "He's doing well, him and Ahsoka are in the outer rim." She explains "I'm afraid I don't know much else."

"Hopefully the kid comes back all right." Noah says.

"How has your training been?" Padmè asks "I've never got the chance to talk with you about it."

Y/n leans back "It's amazing, exhausting but amazing." She says "I'm slowly but surely getting better, I'm still struggling with using the force though." She explains.

"Has Anakin helped you at all?" Noah questions.

"Whenever he can, yeah." Y/n answers with a nod "It's been mostly Master Yoda helping me, and Obi-wan in a way."

Padmè tilts her head "Obi-wan has been helping you." She asks.

Y/n nods "Only with a few small things. And only when he has the chance." She explains "Mostly we talk about Qui-gon."

Noah hums "It's good that you're learning more about your family." He says "I'm glad you're getting this opportunity."

"Miss Padmè, Master Noah, there is someone here to see you." Y/n could hear a droid say.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now