one-hundred and three

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That night Y/n and Anakin spent the night, making it up to each other and talking. Y/n would comfort him, and try to reassure him that she would be okay. That both her and their children would be okay. It didn't work entirely, but it calmed Anakin down for the time being.

Anakin kept apologizing to Y/n, over and over. He felt bad for leaving her here alone. Y/n assured him that it was okay, and that now that she knew the truth she was no longer angry.

Soon enough more months had passed, very quickly too. Y/n was now 7 months pregnant, and she was losing it. Her relationship with Anakin was better than ever, and he was insanely patient with her. Y/n had a check up with Daphne every two weeks, just to make sure everything was going smoothly. Nothing was wrong, and nothing would hopefully go wrong.

Y/n and Anakin still didn't know the gender of the babies, they both agreed to wait till they were born. When the babies had started kicking, Y/n was relieved. She hadn't told Anakin about het worries, knowing it would only scare him more. But when one of her babies finally kicked, she was overjoyed.

Y/n was sprawled on hers and Anakin's bed, laying on top of the blankets. This was the only comfortable position she could find, and day by day it was getting harder to find that. As her stomach grew so did her back pain, and when she was on her feet it felt like she could just fall. Her stomach was huge, stretch marks all on it.

Anakin was in the kitchen cooking dinner, something that he seemed to do a lot. If he couldn't cook dinner, he would bring home whatever Y/n was craving thay day. He had been very patient, and very caring.

Y/n was just laying there when Anakin walked in, holding two plates "Dinner is ready." He said.

Pushing herself up Y/n groaned a little "Gods, I cannot wait for these two to get out of me." She says, reaching for her plate and scooting over.

Anakin takes a seat beside her and chuckles lightly "Is there anything I can do, to make you less uncomfortable?" He asks.

Y/n shakes her head "Doubtful." She mumbles, shifting in her spot as she begins to eat.

The two talk while they eat, mostly talking about their day. Anakin as usual was with the Chancellor, and just before he left he repprted his findings to the council. Y/n told Anakin about her work, and how very boring it was. While in the middle of talking, Y/n let out a sharp gasp and placed a hand on her stomach.

Seeing this Anakin panicked instantly "Sweets? Whats wrong? Are you okay?" He quickly asked, moving closer to her while setting his plate down.

Y/n was instead smiling "Yeah. Yeah, I'm perfectly fine it's just....the babies kicked. Or well one of them did." She said.

Anakin looked at her with a small smile "They did?" He asks.

Another sharp pressure hits her stomach, and she grabbed Anakin's hand. She placed it on her stomach, just as another kick was delivered. Anakin's eyes went wide, and a smile graced his lips.

"Oh my force." Anakin whispered, now very calm and happy. He moved closer to Y/n, while she placed her own hand on her stomach.

Y/n let out a laugh "I can't believe it." She whispered excitedly.

Anakin looks up at Y/n, with nothing but love "I wonder which one is kicking."

"Who knows." Y/n mumbles gently "Maybe it's the one whose just going to be as chaotic as you." She says teasingly.

"Oh I'm sure." Anakin said while rolling his eyes playfully.

The two stayed like that for a while, their hands pressed on Y/n's pregnant stomach. Every now and then one of the babies would kick, and each time one did they'd both get just as excited as they did the first time.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now