one-hundred and four

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Anakin was already running late, he still couldn't believe he was accepting this invitation. He walked into the observation box where the Chancellor, and a few others sat. He stopped at the Chancellor's side, and leaned down "You wanted to see me, Chancellor." He says.

Palpatine looks over "Yes, Anakin. Come closer." He says "I have good news."

Anakin moved a little closer, and crouched down beside the Chancellor. He desperately wanted to get back home to Y/n. Before he had left, he got a nice bath ready for Y/n. Knowing how relaxing a simple bath could be for her, and he hoped he would get back in time before she fell asleep.

"Our clone intelligence units have discovered the location of General Grievous. He's hiding in the Utapau system." Palpatine says "At last."

Anakin almost smiled at the news, and he looks away from the Chancellor "We'll be able to capture that monster, like we did with Dooku, and end this war." He said in a hopeful tone.

"I would worry abouy the collective wisdom of the council....if it didn't select you for this assignment." The Chancellor says, making Anakin look back at him "You're the best choice, by far."

'I don't want this assignment.' Anakin thought 'I want this war to end, and I want to marry Y/n. I want to stay with Y/n for the remained of het pregnancy, I've missed so much of it.'

"Hmm. Sit down." The Chancellor says looking to the side "Leave us." He says sternly, his voice not sounding like his own for a split second.

The people that sat around him got to their feet, and left the booth. Once they were gone Anakin stood, and moved to take a seat beside the Chancellor.

"Anakin, you know I'm not able to rely on the jedi council." The Chancellor began, saying something Anakin heard from him often.

"Sir-" Anakin tried to say, but was ignored. Just like every other time.

"If they haven't included you in their plot, they soon will."

Anakin almost laughed 'I'm apart of their damn plot, spying on you. Most of the council has finally began to trust me, especially since I apprehended Dooku. The only ones who probably don't trust me are Windu, no suprise there, Mundi and a few others.' He thought.

"I'm not sure I understand." Anakin said keeping his gaze on the perfectly in front of him.

"You must sense what I have come to suspect. The jedi council wants control of the republic." The Chancellor says "They're planning to betray me."

Now this makes Anakin look at the man beside him "I don't think that-"

"Anakin. Search your feelings." Palpatine says meeting the young jedi's gaze "You know, don't you?"

Anakin swallows and shakes his head "The jedi council does not plan to betray you, sir." He says, hoping the Chancellor wouldn't see through his lies.

Palpatine hums and looks away from Anakin, and back at the performance "The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way, including their quest for power."

This intrigued Anakin "The Sith rely on their passion for their strength." He says "They think inwards- only about themselves."

"And the jedi don't?" The Chancellor asks, looking back at Anakin.

"The jedi are selfless. They only care about others." Anakin says, looking away once more.

"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?" Palpatine asks.

Anakin frowns before looking at the man beside him, that familiar dark feeling washing over him again "No." He answered.

"I thought not. It's not a story the jedi would tell you." Palpatine says "It's a sith legend. Darth Plagueis...was a dark lord of the Sith so powerful and so wise, he could use the force to influence the He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about...from dying."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now