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"No way!" Y/n gasped in disbelief pouring more wine into her glass, filling it completely to the top.

Rex nods with a little laugh "Oh yeah, the general did not want a Padawan at all." He says "Kept calling her a youngling.

It was later into the night, Padmè and Noah had left back to Alderaan after eating some cake and spending a little more time there. The drinks kept coming, and coming. Y/n was starting to feel a little more than buzzed, considering she had been switching back and forth between alchohol and wine. A terrible idea on her part.

Obi-wan and Anakin were by the snack table, eating snacks and chatting. Y/n could hear Obi-wan talking loudly, while Anakin tried to calm him. Y/n, Ahsoka, and Rex all sat together on the couches telling stories back and forth.

But before that Y/n was with Obi-wan, listening to the stories he had. And personally his were her favorite. He told Y/n about how he had jumped out of a window, trying to catch a droid that was trying to assassinate Padmè. And then how later Anakin had jumped off the speeder, chasing after the bounty hunter.

Ahsoka groans "Maker, I wanted to choke him out." She says "Just a little bit."

Y/n laughs "What a dick." She jokes shaking her head "I can't believe he'd do that."

"Well, he did it." Rex says with a smile.

"I mean at least I grew on him." Ahsoka says with a grin "I wouldn't have any other Master than Anakin."

Y/n smiles "You two have a great relationship." She says.

Ahsoka nods "He's like my brother. He's helped me through so much." She says.

Rex nods in agreement "Like the time you had to stand trial, because of what Barriss did." He says.

Y/n raises a brow in confusion "What?" She asks looking between the two.

Ahsoka nods "I was framed for a murder Barriss had committed. There's so much more to it, but it really made me question the jedi council." She explains "I would've left if Anakin hadn't convinced me otherwise."

"He didn't want to lose you." Y/n says gently with a smile, wiping away her tears.

Ahsoka grins "Well, he's stuck with me." She says with a shrug, "Now, can I have some wine?" She asks.

"Are you sure thats a good idea?" Rex asks looking in Anakin's direction.

Y/n hands her glass to the girl "If it tastes terrible, thats on you." She says "Don't tell Anakin." She whispers with a giggle.

Ahsoka grins and brings the glass up, taking a sip of it. She instantly makes a face "It tastes worse than the first time." She complains, shaking her head.

"Uh-oh, here comes Anakin." Rex says handing Ahsoka her glass of juice.

Y/n begins chugging her wine, while Ahsoka chugs her juice. Anakin stops just in front of them, looking back and forth between the two "You guys are aware I saw that." He deadpans. He was only a little buzzed, and kept reminding himself to be responsible. No matter how much he hated it, someone had to babysit Y/n.

"Saw what?" Y/n asks with a grin setting down her now empty galss.

Ahsoka finishes her juice, glad that the bitter flavor was gone from her taste buds "What are you on about, Master?" She asks with a grin.

Anakin rolls his eyes and looks at Rex, who holds his hands up "I had nothing to do with this." He says quickly.

Y/n smiles at Anakin her mind a little fuzzy from how much she had drank "C'mon Ani, let the girl have some fun." She says.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now