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After the two ate lunch, Cal had to unfortunately return to the jedi temple. Leaving Y/n alone once again, this time she decided to get caught up on some paperwork.

"More food and medical supplies for Azalea...." Y/n mumbled to herself, looking at a different paper to see how much money Alderaan had as whole. There was a lot.

Y/n turned on the holo computer, and sent a request to Kamino for any medical supplies. She then sent a request to Naboo's current queen, for any plant seeds and food. The computer then beeped, and a file popped up on screen. Y/n clicked on the file, and opened it up. It was progress report from Noah;

Hey baby sis,

Just some news on Alderaan;

The repairs on Azalea are fantastic, the village has been repaired completely with the addition of a few new houses. The villagers have moved back into their homes, and we've had several new families join. New shops have already been set up, and money is flowing back to our people. The only issure we're having is getting any food to grow, we're low on seeds.

White Bridge has been helping with food, along with Meadowsweet Village. So it's manageable for the time being. We also need more metal for weapons, so the can not only defend themselves and hunt.

Thats pretty much it, all the other villages are thriving with no issues. Though some people have been complaining about the jedi outpost.

Y/n grumbled under her breath, and adjusted her shirt. She let out a huff "Already knew that." She grumbled.

"Sweets?" Anakin's voice called out "Are you here?"

"In my office!" Y/n shouts rolling her chair over to the paper shredder, and slipping two sheets of paper inside. She then rolls back to the desk, leaning down to search through her filing drawers.

"What are you doing?" Anakin asks when he walks into her office, arms crossed.

Y/n hums dismissively and sits back up, placing the file she had down. She flipped it open, and sifted through the papers. Y/n was looking for the metal factory, closet to Alderaan.

"Good......." She mumbled flipping to the next page "Mmmm they need more rations, and medicine." She whispered.

Anakin sighs and walks over, snatching the paper for her "Shouldn't you be resting?" He asks in worry.

Y/n glares at him slightly "Give me back my work." She scowls.

"You need to rest, my love." Anakin says gently, he was more tired than usual. His day with the Chancellor was mentally draining, the vibe he gave off made him uncomfortable.

"Give me my work Anakin." Y/n says scoldingly "I'll stop after this." She grumbled, standing up and leaning over to snatch the paper from him "How was your day?" She asks.

Anakin just sighs in defeat, before plopping down on the chair "Exhausting." He mumbled "I don't understand why you willingly go to thoes lunches."

Y/n scoffed as she wrote some things down "I do it to respect the man. I don't want to insult him." She mumbled with a shrug.

Anakin scoffs as well "Who cares if you insult him." He grunted, running a hand through his hair "Speaking of thoes lunches, I get to see one tomorrow."

Looking up Y/n frowns "What do you mean?" She asks.

"The Chancellor invited you to another lunch, and asked me to sit in." Anakin explained, adjusting his position in the seat "Asked me to tell you about it."

Y/n huffs with a sigh "'Course he did." She mumbled "I think he knows about us." She says.

Anakin frowns while shaking his head "But how?" He asks.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now