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The fight for the village began long ago, several hours. And only half of the droid forces had been destroyed. Y/n quickly cut the head off a battle droid with one saber, while quickly trying to block the bullets with the other. Y/n had been shot several times, but thanks to the armor she had on there wasn't ever much damage. All that would be left from the shots, would be bruises and slightly damaged armor.

Y/n stuck one hand out towards a battle droid, using the force to crush it like a tin can. Y/n hardly ever used the force, because half the time she didn't think it would work. But with how much adrenalin she had, it felt like she could do anything. Y/n than flew the crushed droid at one of the other droids, sending it falling backwards into another droid.

Suddenly several droids had easily surrounded Y/n, every single one of them shooting at her. Her only goal now, was to block every shot. Y/n wasn't nearly skilled enough to block this many shots, and take out droids at the same time. She did her best to block the bullets, or to send them back at the droids. But it didn't always work.

"Fuck!" Y/n hisses when a bullet hits the armor, denting the strong metal and sending a shock of brief pain to the area.

There was a flash of blue, and Y/n could see Anakin. He force pushed several droids back, knocking them into each other, while taking out two more with his lightsaber. This gave Y/n the opportunity to take out some droids of her own.

"You okay?" Anakin asks their backs now pressed together, the both of them blocking one blaster shot after another.

Y/n lets out a weak laugh "I think so." She breathed, using the force to pull a droid towards her just to decapitate it. Throwing it body back at another droid "Thanks for the save."

"Anytime my love." Anakin says calmly "We've almost got them all."

Y/n and Anakin had dealt with the last of their droids, while the clones finished off the few that remained. The battle was over, and they had won. Y/n looks around at the destroyed village, a lot of damage had been done. Finally the blaster shots stopped.

"It's a wreck." Y/n whispered looking around with a heavy heart, while turning off her lightsabers and slipping them in their holster.

Homes were on fire, some were sort of destroyed. And others were in complete shambles. Civilians were being escorted to safety by clones, men, women, and children who clung to their parents. It broke Y/n's heart to see so much pain, and destruction on her people.

" okay sweets?" Anakin asks in a gentle voice, looking at her with worry.

Y/n slowly nods though she was unsure of her own answer "I think so." She murmured.

Ahsoka and Rex were making their way towards the two, the both of them equally roughed up. Ahsoka's face was covered in dirt, and she had a blaster graze on her arm. Rex's armor looks more damaged, and the white of his armor was scuffed and dirty.

"You two alright?" Anakin asks looking at the two with a worried expression.

Rex reaches up to pull his helmet off "Nothing we can't handle, sir." He says.

Y/n looks at the two "Have either of you seen Noah?" She asks worriedly.

"He was helping civilians to the medical tents." Ahsoka answered, her and Rex stopping in front of the couple.

"Good." Y/n mumbles tiredly, running her gloved hands down her face "I need to get back to the palace. Work on getting more doctors out here, repair men, and supplies for everyone." She mumbled. Quickly turning and quickly walking away from the group.

Ahsoka watches her in worry, before look over at Anakin "Is she okay?" She asks.

Anakin lets out a sigh "No." He says "Watching her people die like's rough."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now