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Y/n walked into her apartment, slamming the door "Ani?" She called out. Buy got no response.

She assumed he just wasn't back yet, Y/n just hoped he would be back soon. She hadn't seen him, or talked to him since they parted that morning. Y/n wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night with Anakin, and just listen to him talk about his day. Especially to get the thought of her lunch with Chancellor away from her mind, she hated that man. He made her feel so uneasy, and even uncomfortable.

The woman let out a sigh, walking into the kitchen for a glass of wine. But she paused when she noticed a paper on the counter, and Y/n frowned grabbing the paper. She instantly recognized Anakin's handwriting;

I'm being sent out to engage Grievous ship, I don't know when I'll be back. I'm sorry sweets. I love you.

Anakin ♡

Y/n lets out a defeated sigh, walking to the wine cabinet and pulling out a new bottle. She didn't bother grabbing a glass, and left the kitchen. Unable to decide what to do, Y/n plopped down on the couch and grabbed a book. Nothing better to do than read, and think about the dreams she's been having.

So many unanswered questions, that probably didn't evem have answers. Who were all these people, and why were their faces blurred and their names distorted. Why were both Ahsoka, and Master Yoda involved? And why did so much darkness surround some of these dreams?


"Good to see you, it is." Yoda says, while Y/n sits on the pillow in front of him.

It had been a day since Anakin had left, and Master Yoda had finally returned. The next afternoon, she had gone to see him. She eas excited to have him back, training with Master Yoda was a challenge Y/n enjoyed.

Y/n smiles "It's been a while." She said, adjusting het sitting position "How was Kashyyyk?"

"Good it was." Yoda says with a hum "Meditating, have you?" He asks.

Y/n nods "Every day, especially when I'm feeling more stressed." She says "And I've also been practicing with the force best I can."

Yoda nods and hims with approval "Good. Proud of you, I am." He says.

"Thank you master." Y/n says with a big smile, her chest warming at the praise.

It felt nice knowing she made him proud, that she was doing good. Especially after everything he had done for her, the risk he took training her. Going agains so many things the jedi were against.

"Do you know when master Kenobi will be back?" Y/n asks curiously, she was eager to know when she'd get thoes pictures.

"Why do you ask?"

Y/n grins a little "He promised to teach me a few things." She lies shrugging, she didn't want her master knowing the truth. In case he didn't exactly approve "Some things Master Qui-gon taught him."

"A terrible liar you are." Master Yoda says shaking his head.

Y/n's jaw drops a little "What-?" She asks in suprise.

"Told me what you wanted, Obi-wan did." Master Yoda says with a nod, while smiling a little.

"Awe damn." Y/n mumbled.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now