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Y/n burst through the doors of Alderaan's palace, maids rushing towards her "Where is she?!" She exclaimed. Her eyes were wide with panic, and excitement.

"She's this way your Majesty." One maid says, turning to lead the way down a hall.

"Master Noah is already with her." A different maid says.

"Wait for me!" A familiar astromech screams, rushing after Y/n.

A hour before

Y/n sat in her office, reading over factory reports. She was bored out of her mind, her cheek resting in her hand. It had been a month since the chancellor's party. Padmè had been practically dragged back to Alderaan by Noah, and put her on bed rest. With her due date inching closer and closer, Noah was becoming worried and paranoid.

Padmè was now eight months pregnant, while Y/n was slowly coming up on five months. She was just in the middle of four months, and still hadn't felt her babies move. But according to the doctor Noah hired, both babies were perfectly healthy and there was nothing wrong.

Despite the doctors reassurance, it didn't help Anakin at all. He still had nightmares of her dying in childbirth, and would wake in the middle of the night. Everytime he woke Y/n would too, and everytime it happened it broke her heart. Sometimes Anakin would wake up sobbing in pure painc, and just cry. Sometimes he would completely shut down, and not speak.

It was devastating for Y/n to watch.

Y/n and Padmè would talk almost everyday, and most of the time she'd curse Noah out. Apparently he hardly let her do anything, he had her food brought to her and her work. The only time she could get up, was when she had to use the bathroom. Unless she was sneaky enough, which half the time she was.

Y/n flinched at the sound of a bump on her door, followed by a droid beeping "Let me in! I don't have arms!"

Y/n gets to her feet "I know thoes beeps." She says, pulling the door open "R2, what are you doing here."

The astromech rolls past Y/n, and into the office "Anakin sent me."

"And why is that?" Y/n asks while walking back to her desk, and sitting back down.

R2 took a spot beside Y/n "He didn't really tell me." He beeps.

" did you even get inside if you don't have arms?" Y/n questioned in confusion, looking over at the astromech.

"What are you doing?" R2 whistled, completely ignoring the question.

"Just reading reports." Y/n answered while setting a folder aside, looking back at the messy desk "Do you know what Anakin is doing?" She asks.

"He was having lunch with the Chancellor." R2 whistles, as he began moving around the room. Curiously checking everything out.

Y/n frowns a little "Lunch? I thought he didn't like the Chancellor." She mumbled, while shaking her head.

A quick rapid beeping fills the room, and it wasn't R2. It was her communicator. Y/n quickly answered, and a hologram of Noah appeared. His hair was cut short and was no longer long, and he had a panicked look on his face.

"Holy shit, what happened to your hair!?" Y/n shouted in disbelief.

"Padmè's in labor." Noah breaths "Y/n, I'm freaking the fuck out."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now