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Y/n woke the next morning to an empty bed, her head throbbing. She ignored the disappointment she felt, when she realized Anakin wasn't at her side. She liked waking up with him at her side, the warmth and comfort she felt was amazing.

She let out a miserable groan "Anakin!" She shouted. Her head throbbing more and more with each movement, and shouting definitely didn't make it any better.

It took only a few moments before Anakin appeared in the doorway, he was holding a glass of water and a bottle of pills. Y/n pushed herself into a sitting position as he walked over "For your headache."

Gratefully Y/n takes the water, and opens up the bottle "What time is it?" She asks putting two pills in her mouth and chugging the water.

"Eh, 7am." Anakin answers shrugging "Ahsoka's already up, and I made breakfast." He says.

"You made breakfast?" Y/n asks teasingly before chugging the rest of the water.

Anakin rolls his eyes "Yes, yes I did." He says "Is that so suprising?"

"Yes." Y/n answers before setting the glass down, and throwing the covers off herself "Where are my clothes?" She asks, her head still pounding uncontrollably.

Anakin chuckles nervously "Do you not remember?" He asks a little amused.

Y/n walks over to the walk in closet, and begans searching through her clothes "Uh, vaguely?" She answers "I remember eating yogurt, and Obi-wans amazing stories about you."

Anakin rolls his eyes "Well I've got a few stories about him I could tell you."

"Really?" Y/n asks excitedly trying to keep her voice down, so her head didn't hurt too much.

"Of course, I've saved Obi-wan more times than I can count." Anakin boasts.

Y/n rolls her eyes while shaking her head, and searching through her clothes "So, back to my clothes. What the hell happened to them?" She asks.

"You hot too hot, and stripped." Anakin summarizes.

Humming Y/n grabs a pair of stretchy shorts, that would stop just under her knees. She then grabbed a gray tank top "Sounds about right." She says.

Anakin shakes his head walking to the bed and sitting on it "I wanted to talk with you about something." He says.

Y/n walks out of the closet, now fully dressed "Whats up?" She asks.

"I was wondering if you were okay with me telling Ahsoka about....about us?" Anakin asks nervously.

"Can I tell Padmè, Obi-wan, and Noah?" Y/n asks with a grin, as she slipped on her running shoes.

Anakin laughs slightly "Obi-wan already knows." He says "And you can tell Noah if he doesn't kill me." He adds.

Y/n looks at Anakin "You told Obi-wan?" She asks smiling  slightly, she found it cute "And Noah, won't kill you, not unless I kill him first." She adds with a grin.

"I had to!" Anakin exclaims with a smile "He's been....he's been supportive of my feelings for you." He mumbles.

"I'm glad he's supporting the fact you're breaking the code." Y/n teases jokingly "But I'm serious, I'm glad he's supporting you."

Anakin smiled "Me too. Honestly I didn't think he would." He says "Obi-wan has been so....devoted to the jedi and code. Turns out he was in love, and he still....still might be."

Y/n tilts her head "Oh really?" She asks "With who?"

"The Dutchess of Mandalor."

"Satine?" Y/n asks in suprise "I mean I've only met her once, she's rather gorgeous. I'm not surprised he fell in love with her, they also must've been close."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now