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After dinner Anakin carried Y/n to bed. During her walk the two ended far from the lake house, and didn't arrive back until dinner. By the time they had gotten back they were both already exhausted, Y/n more than Noah. Not to mention she had drank several glasses of wine, so that mixed with exhaustion was making Y/n all loopy.

"Mmmm I love you." Y/n murmured looking up to kiss her lovers neck.

"I love you too, Angel." Anakin whispers gently, pressing a kiss to her fou as he walks into the room.

Y/n lets out a content sigh "You know, I never expected to fall in love." She mumbled as Anakin kicked the door closed.

"Oh really?" Anakin asks laying her down on the bed.

The woman nods as Anakin takes off her shoes, along with her socks "Yeahh.....especially with a jedi."

Anakin smiles as he helps her take off her shirt next "Well, I never expected to fall in love with a queen." He whispered.

Y/n's face flushed and she smiled even more "Really?" She asks, lifting her arms so Anakin could fully take her shirt off leaving her in a basic red bra.

The jedi smiles a little "I never expected to fall in love, in general." He says "But somehow I fell in love with the queen of Alderaan."

"And somehow I fell in love with the choosen one." Y/n says grabbing his arm, to pull him close so she could peck his lips.

Anakin just grins once they pull away "You're fantastic, you know that?"

Y/n smiles a little and shuffled her pants off "I've been told a few times." She says.

"I'm gonna get you some pills for your hangover tomorrow." Anakin says kissing her forehead, and then walking to the bathroom.

Y/n yawns and gets under the covers, pulling the blanket close to her face. And in a matter of seconds, she's asleep and brought into a nightmare.


"Well this is a suprise." A man with platinum hair, and a blurred face says.

The planet their on is green, and full of life. Thick trees could be seen, along with dangling vines. It looked like Kashyyyk, the wookie home planet. The sky was dark, and stars decorated the night sky. It would be a peaceful sight, if it weren't for the second human there. Almost human.

Vader, the robotic like man stood several feet away. Silently staring at the man in front of him, the only sound that came from him was the mechanic breathing.

"Nothing to say Vader?" The man asks, the anger in his voice rising. His hands hovering over two blasters, one on each hip. Again nothing but breathing. This only made the platinum haired man angry "She loved you, and you killed her."

"Where is my child?"

The platinum haired man was shocked, but quickly regained his composure "Dead." He said "When you killed her, you killed the babi-baby."

Vader takes a few steps forward "You're lying." He snarled angrily.

"The baby is dead." The man said again, his hand twitching ready to grab his blaster.

"Tell me, and you'll be spared."

The platinum haired man laughs "Liar." He snaps "You don't spare people."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now