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Later that night after dinner, Y/n instantly had returned to her room to shower. Her and Ahsoka had trained all the way up till dinner, and didn't bother changing. They were both starving. Ahsoka agreed to train Y/n as much as she could, just until she had to leave. Which they both assumed to be soon.

Nor Anakin or Noah knew what the two did during training, no matter how many questions they asked. Neither Ahsoka or Y/n said a thing, it was funny watching the two try and figure it out. And for the oddest reasom they badly wanted to know

Y/n climbed out of the shower, and dried off her hair as much as she could with a towel. She then wrapped the towel around her body, and left the bathroom. Y/n let out a shriek of suprises when she saw someone in her room, and that someone was Anakin. It looked like he was looking at the pictures on Y/n's walls, which were just pictures of her parents.

Y/n couldn't help but shamefully scan his body, noticing instantly what he was wearing. He had on a pair of light gray sweats, and a black tank top. She could see the muscles in his arms, and his hands, maker his hands. Y/n couldn't help but wonder what he looked like shirtless.

Anakin turned to look back when he heard her, and his eye instantly went wide. His eyes instantly scanned her body, still wet from the shower.

He couldn't stop staring at her, but then he realizedhow uncontrollable Y/n felt "Oh shit!" He panicked. Quickly covering his eyes with his hand, he felt guilty for how long he stared.

"What the hell are you doing in my room!?" Y/n exclaimed grabbing her clothes that sat on the bed, her face flushed in embarrassment.

"I wanted to check on you." Anakin said turning so his back was to her, his hands still over his eyes.

"I-" Y/n was stunned "How-how long have you been in here?" She asked.

"Not long."

Y/n shook her head "Hold on." She mumbled, quickly rushing back into the bathroom.

Anakin took his hand down from his eyes, and opened them looking up to the roof 'What the fuck was I thinking?' He thought 'But she looked so beautiful.'

A moment later Y/n came out, fully clothed. Anakin turned and looked over at her, his heart was still racing "I am so sorry." He instantly apologized.

"Ani, it's fine." Y/n said walking over to her bed "You just scared me is all." She mumbled, still slightly embarrassed.

"I didn't really see you much today." Anakin said shyly "Thought you'd might like some company before going to bed."

Y/n looked over at him, her face instantly warming up "Yeah, that would be nice." She said before climbing in bed and sitting on top of the blankets. Y/n patted the spot beside her "Well, don't just stand there." She teased.

Anakin walked over and sat down beside her "I'm really sorry for coming in un announced." He mumbled, "For some reason, I didn't expect you to be in the shower. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable or anything."

Y/n looked over at him, and shook her head "No, you didn't." She said "I was just startled."

"I'm still really sorry." Anakin said looking over at her with his still guilty face.

"Ani, it's fine." Y/n said reaching over and grabbing his hand "Besides, I'm glad you're here."

Anakin blushed and squeezed her hand, a small smile on his face "You are?" He asked.

Y/n nodded "Of course. I love your company." She said scooting closer to him, "I also wanted to thank you for last night." She added.

"Did you have anymore nightmares?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now