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"Oh the fucking nerve!" Y/n said in a low, and angry voice. She wanted to express her emotions in a much louder way, by screaming or something, but they had to be quiet.

Anakin sighs shaking his head "I know sweets." He mumbles "I-i don't understand why some of them cant trust you." He says.

Y/n scoffs squeezing the hilts of her lightsabers a little "It's mostly Mundi and Windu." She says, "Mundi gives me these weary looks when he sees me, like he's afraid or something. Meanwhile Windu just glares at me with disgust."

Anakin laughs a little "Thats just his face normally." He says, stopping in front of a room.

Y/n looks at the numbered door, 419, "Why are we here?" She asks.

"It's my room." Anakin mumbles typing in a code "We might need R2's help." He adds, but the door didn't open "Shit "

"Did thoes droids cut off power to the entire temple?" Y/n asks in suprise, her jaw falling a little "Is that possible."

Anakin lets out a huff and holds his hand out to the door, using the force to slowly open it "Apparently." He says.

Soon enough the door is forced open, and Anakin steps inside followed by Y/n. The woman looks around the dimly lit room, it wasn't too big. But it was definitely messy.

"You seriously need a maid Skywalker." Y/n says in amusement.

Anakin rolls his eyes "It's fine." He says "I hardly stay here." He adds with a grin, "Normally I'm in bed with you."

In the corner of the room was a work bench, that had droid parts stacked on it. The twin sized bed(that was against the wall) was unmade, and one of the pillows were on the floor. There was a pile of clothing in the middle of the room, and next to the closet sat R2. He wasn't activated much to both Y/n, and Anakin's suprise.

"What the fuck." Anakin mumbled walking over to his astro mech, and crouching down in front of him. He hit a button, and the droid came to life beeping angrily "Whoah, R2 calm down." Anakin says. Moving back quickly to avoid the droids shock arm, that was furiously stabbing in his direction.

"Back off! Back off!" The dorid furiously beeped, stabbing and flailing in Anakin's direction.

"R2! Calm down buddy!" Anakin hissed quietly, while Y/n wheezed with laughter.

Finally recognizing the droid calmed down "Anakin!" The droid whistled in relief.

Y/n took a step forward "That was beautiful to watch." She says.

Anakin stands fully while shaking his head "R2, who deactivated you?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." The droid responded "I was going to meet with Ahsoka, when the lights went out and someone came in." He explained.

Anakin frowns "But....that means someone had to know my code." He mumbles shaking his head.

Y/n looks ovet at her boyfriend "Does anyone know your code?" She asks.

"Only Ahsoka and Obi-wan." Anakin says looking at Y/n "But they wouldn't tell anyone that."

"Whats happening?" R2 beeped in confusion.

Y/n looks down at the droid "The temple is under attack basically." She says.

R2 makes a strange sound "What? What? What?" He asks, looking between Y/n and Anakin.

Anakin looks to R2 "Did you see who attacked you?" He asks "Or anything at all?"

The dorid beeps "No."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now