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The robotic like man once again stood on the planet Alderaan, staring at the tomb of his beloved. Her lightsaber hilts still sat there, dusty and unused.

"______." That familiar angelic voice whispered.

The man flinched, clenching his fists. He didn't believe she was here, there was no possible way. It had to be another trick, like the one his master pulled on him before.

"______." She repeated, this time a hand rested on his shoulder.

The man spun around, and there he saw her. His wife. Just as beautiful as she was the day she died, the day he lost her and their baby. She was in a flowing white dress it almost looked like a nightgown, but she had no baby bump.

"Angel." The man whispered, squeezing his eyes shut.

When he opend them again he expected his love to be gone, but she wasn't. His wife still stood there, a gentle look of.....disappointing on her face.

"What are you doing?" The woman whispered "What have you done, My Love."

The man shook his head looking away from her "______ is dead." He growls, squeezing his eyes shut under his mask.

The woman sighs "So you want me to call you Vader?" She snarled "A child murdering bastard?"

The man doesn't speak, but he scowls under his mask at her words. When his beloved was alive, she hardly spoke cruelly to him. His love always tried to be kind.

"You're not real." Vader spoke angrily "This is another trick."

The woman let out out a breath "If I were fake, would I know about our plans for our child?" She asks, her angelic voice echoing "How about what I said all thoes years ago, when you told me about your dreams?"

Vader shook his head in denial, he couldn't believe she was here. That she would visit him, not after everything he had done. This was his master, just like the last thousand times.

"______ please. This isn't the man you are, you've let this sith lord manipulate you. He was the reason you had thoes nightmare, he never had any intention of saving me. He was going to kill me, and our baby no matter what." The woman rants with a heavy heart, hoping to get though to him.

Her words only mad Vader angry, he was trying so hard to believe it wasn't her. He hated how his master could get into his head, show him things that weren't there. Vader reached for his saber, squeezing the hilt bending the metal of it.

"______." His dead lover repeated "___ please just abandon the dark side, it's not too late. You're still a good person."

"NO!" Vader suddenly screamed, igniting his lightsaber and swinging it back where his lover would be standing. But she wasn't there, his wife was gone.


"Ani! Hurry up!" Y/n shouts practically bouncing with excitement.

Today was the day everyone would be heading to Naboo, and then the next day would be the wedding. Y/n was beyond excited. She couldn't wait to see her brother get married, to her bestfriend none the less.

Anakin walks out of their room, and over to Y/n with a bag in hand "Excited much?"

Y/n rolls her eyes while walking out of the apartment "Obviously!" She says.

Anakin follows her out, closing the door and locking it behind him "Honestly, I'm a little excited too." He says.

"Really?" Y/n asks looking over at him, as the two walked down the hall side by side.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now