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"I will never betray the republic, Dooku." F/n said while glaring at the sith lord, his hand bound behind his back by force cuffs.

Dooku scowled as he circled the man "The republic can offer you nothing." He says "I on the other hand can offer you everything you want, and more."

"I want nothing from you Dooku." F/n snarled, trying to pull his hands free. To no avail.

This makes the sith lord laugh "What about the lives of your wife, unborn child, and daughter?" He asks, waving his hand to open the pair of double doors.

Y/n and her mother were dragged in by two droids. The young princess was thrashes around, trying to break free and fight back. While M/n looked full of fear and panic, unsure of what to do.

F/n's eyes went wide "Leave my family alone!" He shouts looking at Dooku "They have nothing to do with this!"

"Oh, but they have everything to do with this." Dooku retorted, walking over to the two.

"Let go of me you tin can!" Y/n shouts as she's forced to her knees, giving her an opportunity to break free.

Y/n goes to try and kick the droid, but the droid quickly backhands her. The teen fell to the ground, crying out in pain. M/n gasps and crawls over to her daughter, helping her sit up and cupping her face.

"Dooku you leave them alone!" F/n bellowed angrily, as the sith lord inched closer to his family.

Dooku once again waves his hand, pushing M/n away from the young princess. The pregnant queen struggled as the droid grabbed her arms, holding her back.

"Leave my daughter alone!" M/n wailed trying to reach out for her little girl.

"What's your name girl?" Dooku asks looking down at Y/n.

The young princess looked up, her cheek red and starting to bruise. She also had tears falling down her face, as she tried to muster up a glare "Y/n."

Dooku walked around Y/n, staring down at her with an intimidating gaze "Hmmm theres something special about you."

"Leave her alone!" F/n name shouted, making the sith lord look back at him.


Y/n suddenly woke up with a gasp, quickly sitting up in bed. She feels around the bed in search of Anakin, but he wasn't there. Tears weld up in her eyes, and then they finally fall. She was sweating heavily, her shirt felt drenched from the sweat.

"Fuck." Y/n cried out, rubbing her face with her hands "No, no, no, not again."

That nightmare hadn't plagued Y/n's mind for quite a while, she was glad she had woken herself before the actual torture began. The tears wouldn't stop falling, they just kept coming. Y/n tried wiping the tears again, but more just replaced them. Her face was soaked with tears, and her shirt soaked from sweat.

Once the tears had stop, Y/n managed to calm her breathing down. All the crying gave her a massive headache, the woman let out a huff while wiping her face once again. She climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom, Y/n took two pills(downing them with water) before leaving the room.

The woman walked down the empty hall, her arms wrapped around herself. The past two months hadn't been easy for Y/n either, without Anakin she found it hard to sleep. She had missed having him at her side, holding her tightly almost afraid she would disappear.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now